Archived: everything’s in meowgorithm/dotfiles now.
A Vim and NeoVim config inspired by the work of Wim Wenders.
Just checkout to ~/.vim
or (~/.config/nvim
) and get to work. There are also
a few tools you can install for a better experience:
# Void Linux
xbps-install -S ripgrep ctags python nodejs npm jq
# Arch Linux
pacman -S ripgrep ctags python nodejs npm jq
# macOS
brew install ripgrep ctags python nodejs npm jq sponge
And then:
# Install Elm tools
npm -g install elm elm-test elm-oracle elm-format @elm-tooling/elm-language-server
The following language servers are preconfigured in CoC:
- Go
- Haskell
- Elm
- Nix
Install some other common language servers:
:CocInstall coc-tabnine coc-vimlsp coc-rust-analyzer coc-sh coc-tsserver coc-json coc-css coc-html coc-prettier
If you’re working with Haskell you will likely want to install the Haskell Language Server, which is probably easiest to install with GHCUP these days.
TabNine is an AI-powered code completer. Install it with CoC:
:CocInstall coc-tabnine
You can improve TabNine's performance by disabling its internal language server, since CoC/NeoVim’s Native LSP handles that. Included is a script for toggling TabNine's' LSP capabilities on and off:
./tabnine-lsp off