sevents | state | prompt | data/constructor | error |
start | null | say 'Hey Joe' | init() , iniAgora() *not included here |
voice | 1 | await motion... | ||
motion detected | 2 | await gesture | ||
gesture detected | 3 | say 'check' | .boxLoc() , typeOf() |
'gesture first', rout to 2 |
break[] | -- | -- | -- | -- |
check or upload | 4 | checking now | .`imageBlob() | ` |
md ready | 5 | showing result | save to Azure CV Prediction |
var | reference |
prompt: | instruction or state, say 'Hey Computer' to start,/awaiting hand gesture... ,` |
dataset: | id, tag, info, |
dataset: | keyContain key (CV prediction) or contain (Azure storage container) |
dataset: | endConnect endpoint (CV prediction) or connection (Azure storage container) |
snapShot: | image & prediction results |
snapShot Image: | blob, 224 X 224, vector directioned per pointing gesture |
socket | messages to lead console: gridID , state |
Agora | webRTC, auth token, UID, session ID , and `channel name |
js | usage |
mediaPipe | handMarkers, fileSaver,hands,drawing |
Markdown Extension | marked and |
detectForVideo load delay