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Meters on Demand

MonD splash

the Rainmeter package manager. Install skins directly from the command line!


Download the latest .rmskin from releases.

Check out the Meters on Demand wiki for more information and usage instructions.


Check the TO-DO below if you want to help!

Installing mond for development (requires mond):

Set-Location "$(mond SkinPath)"
Remove-Item "Meters on Demand" -Recurse -Force
git clone "" "Meters on Demand"
Set-Location ".\Meters on Demand"
mond refresh # Optional 

mond refresh runs the installer again to copy the script into #Mond

When testing you can run .\MetersOnDemand.ps1 directly instead of waiting for the refresh

Dev commands

The cli has "hidden" developer commands. To see the list use mond help dev. Some of the hidden commands are useful for skin makers too.


You should always run the tests when committing or at least before creating a PR to confirm everything still works.

Installing Pester

Install-Module Pester -Force
Import-Module Pester -PassThru

Running Pester tests, in the "Meters on Demand" directory

Invoke-Pester -Output Detailed


  • Release 1.5 with ExecutionPolicy fix
  • Report install status to the skin
  • Convert into PowerShell module
  • Make nonp and ContextMenu "mondx" scripts (like npx but for mond skull)
    • Ask cari if I can yoink the FixSkinPath stuffs into mondx too
    • mondx [-Script] <script> [-Target] <rootconfig> [-Force]
    • mondx AudioLevel
  • Put $Cache inside $MetersOnDemand, initialize cache with New-Cache stuff already there
    • Look into using PowerShell modules to isolate $MetersOnDemand into module scope
    • Too hard and Microsoft ain't doin shit about it
  • Clean function signatures and the code base in general skull
  • Use ParameterSets and Aliases instead of a billion different variables and checking if they're set
  • Add Set-Alias into powershell profile to access MetersOnDemand.ps1 directly in PowerShell
    • Ask the user before doing this. Maybe use registry or something to store if the user has already been asked? Or the config file.
  • Make uninstall and restore send !RefreshApp bangs to Rainmeter
  • Use Version from for skins that have it in Get-InstalledSkins
  • Work on mond plugin [-Plugin] <plugin> [-Version <version>] and the plugin repository
    • mond plugin is needed for silent installs and installs from git sources in general
    • Using a repository is kinda sussy since it's just .dll files. At least it's public but still
    • Investigate how easy it'd be to scrape the forums or how ethical it'd be to include the .dlls into a repository
  • Make the API work with any git source. Git itself has tags which are the way the API tracks skin updates.
    • This would also enable silent installs
    • Make mond install accept a git uri and use git clone on it directly. Useful if the API is down or the skin not registered.
    • Document mond install <uri>
    • Make mond install check the API even if installing from git uri
    • Use mond plugin to install plugins for git cloned skins
    • Make mond install git clone by default
  • Investigate getting rid of mond update it's annoying and most of the time commands that need it will auto update anyway(?)
    • For example, mond install <fullName> could internally mond update and try again before failing
    • Added mond config AlwaysUpdate 1 for this
    • Document mond config
  • Use PSRM in Installer.ini to show status messages while installing (?)
  • Implement fuzzy search :3
  • Packager skin that looks exactly like the skin packager GUI but it can
    • Read existing .rmskins by drag + drop
    • Create a to save the package information
    • Read a skins and autofill the GUI
    • Package skins of course
    • It basically acts as a GUI for creating and editing :3
  • Detect included and used Fonts
    • Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore
    • (New-Object -TypeName Windows.Media.GlyphTypeface -ArgumentList 'path\to\font').Win32FamilyNames.Values
