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Michael Guymon edited this page Nov 20, 2013 · 8 revisions

Constructor Callback

If the Model is unable to use the default constructor, the ConstructorCallback can be defined to be used by the ModelFactory to create the Model.

public class WheelBlueprint {

  ConstructorCallback constructor = new ConstructorCallback() {

	public Object createInstance() {
		Wheel wheel = new Wheel( "tire name" );
		return wheel;

  public Integer size = 10;

Field Callbacks

Using the FieldCallback, a field can be uniquely created every time by the ModelFactory. Example below showing a @Blueprint to create a unique String username and a list of unique List of email addresses.

@Blueprint(User.class )
public class UserBlueprint {

  public FieldCallback username = new FieldCallback() {

	public String get( Object model) {
		return "username" + UUID.randomUUID();

  public FieldCallback emails = new FieldCallBack() {

	public List<String> get( Object model) {
		List<String> emails = new ArrayList();
		emails.add( "email" + UUID.randomUUID() + "" );
		emails.add( "email" + UUID.randomUUID() + "" );
		emails.add( "email" + UUID.randomUUID() + "" );
		return emails;
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