New Features
HDBSCAN was added.
extractFOSC (optimal selection of clusters for HDBSCAN) was added.
GLOSH outlier score was added.
hullplot uses now filled polygons as the default.
hullplot now used PCA if the data has more than 2 dimensions.
Added NN superclass for kNN and frNN with plot and with adjacencylist().
Added shared nearest neighbor clustering as sNNclust() and sNN to calculate
the number of shared nearest neighbors.
Added pointdensity function.
Unsorted kNN and frNN can now be sorted using sort().
kNN and frNN now also accept kNN and frNN objects, respectively. This can
be used to create a new kNN (frNN) with a reduced k or eps.
Datasets added: DS3 and moon.
Interface Changes
Improved interface for dbscan() and optics(): ... it now passed on to frNN.
OPTICS clustering extraction methods are now called extractDBSCAN and
kNN and frNN are now objects with a print function.
dbscan now also accepts a frNN object as input.
jpclust and sNNclust now return a list instead of just the
cluster assignments.
You can’t perform that action at this time.