Attention: This app was created in 2016. I was a beginner to Android development and Computer Vision back then. So don't expect a perfect code please. Over the years I updated the dependencies and converted it to Kotlin, while the business logic remained unchanged.
Note: Originally I targeted min SDK 15 (Android 4), more architectures ("mips", "mips64", "armeabi") and OpenCV 3 with this project. Nowadays the repo uses newer versions. If you need to support older devices, then you can look back in the repo's Git history (app version 1.2 / Git tag 3)
- Uses the camera image to recognize triangles, rectangles and circles. It can also be configured to only detect a certain color (red). If a specific shape is detected the information can be shown on top of each shape as a label describing it (multiple shapes at the same time) or as an image respresenting the shape on top of the camera (only one shape is detected). Additionally also a sound depending on the detected shape can be played.
- More computer vision projects at
- IDE: Android Studio (tested with 2023.3.1)
- Android SDK
- Images location: res/drawable | Sounds location: res/raw
- Mode (label/image): Flag in MainActivity (default labels)
- Mode (all colors / red only): Flag in MainActivity (default all colors)
- The shape detection is based on Nash's shape detection His version is based on OpenCV 2 for the PC and usable for static images files. He extracted the code from the OpenCV tutorials back then - that website is no longer available though.
- The red color detection is based on Sol's OpenCV red circle detection. See and