Make sure you have installed latest Node JS and Chrome browser. Once you clone repository, execute the following command to download all required dependencies
npm install
First step is to fire up the selenium server which could be done in many ways, webdriver-manager proves very handy for this.The below command should download the chrome & gecko driver binaries locally for you!
npm run webdriver-update
In order to start all tests scenarios, open terminal in main folder and use following command:
npm test
To start only one test case, specify a scenario by using tag @scenario and open terminal in main folder and use following command:
npm run scenario
NOTE: Please look at animation to see how run only one test case:
If You want to run tests in headless mode, use following command:
npm run ci
You can also run test using docker. An example could you usign following command
docker run --rm --mount type=bind,src="`pwd`",dst="/home/circleci" angular/ngcontainer -c "npm install && npm run webdriver-update-ci && xvfb-run --server-args=\"-screen 0 1920x1080x24\" npm run ci"
To check of the input data used in case tests please look at data/test-config.ts
- cucumber - version 5.0.3
- typescript - version 3.0.1
- protractor - version 5.4.0
- chai - version 4.1.2
- ts-node - version 7.0.1
Project is: in progress.