Compare kwords/s speed for spark, gensim and original word2vec. (Quick and dirty benchmark)
- Windows 7, dual opteron 6272 (2x 16 cores), 32 GB ram
- NOT using GPU
- I'm using only 16 threads in my tests to allow my workstation to still be responsive.
- Settings: skipgram, window=5, iter=10, min_count=10, 16 threads
Running: word2vec -threads 16 -train enwik9 -iter 10 -min-count 10 -output testvecs.txt --cbow 0
Starting training using file enwik9
Vocab size: 458277
Words in train file: 129756040
Alpha: 0.047401 Progress: 5.20% Words/thread/sec: 1301.62k
Alpha: 0.037308 Progress: 25.39% Words/thread/sec: 1329.74k
As seen in the logs, speed is 1330 kwords/s.
Thread safety: word2vec original implementation intentionnaly ignores thread safety and locking of shared resources. More particularly, it has race conditions when updating syn0 and syn1 weights matrices. It's defendable in the sense that updates are small and forgetting some along the way is akin of introducing small noise. See this comment. It can result in an unfair performance advantage over the other implementations.
Reading file and building vocabulary is unexpectedly slow here (~38m). Due to the inneficiencies of fgetc and ungetc on Windows.
A modified version with simple buffering leads to significant performance gain: 35s instead of 38 minutes!
See word2vec.c and word2vec-fastload.exe
Running python 2.7 on Anaconda (gensim 0.13.3)
Sample output:
2016-10-26 14:17:59,470 : INFO : collecting all words and their counts
2016-10-26 14:17:59,471 : INFO : PROGRESS: at sentence #0, processed 0 words, keeping 0 word types
2016-10-26 14:17:59,586 : INFO : PROGRESS: at sentence #10000, processed 113372 words, keeping 31659 word types
2016-10-26 14:23:35,756 : INFO : collected 8859143 word types from a corpus of 129347859 raw words and 13147026 sentences
2016-10-26 14:23:35,756 : INFO : Loading a fresh vocabulary
2016-10-26 14:24:12,579 : INFO : min_count=10 retains 458259 unique words (5% of original 8859143, drops 8400884)
2016-10-26 14:24:12,581 : INFO : min_count=10 leaves 116608081 word corpus (90% of original 129347859, drops 12739778)
2016-10-26 14:24:16,654 : INFO : deleting the raw counts dictionary of 8859143 items
2016-10-26 14:24:18,130 : INFO : sample=0.001 downsamples 30 most-common words
2016-10-26 14:24:18,130 : INFO : downsampling leaves estimated 94622432 word corpus (81.1% of prior 116608081)
2016-10-26 14:24:18,131 : INFO : estimated required memory for 458259 words and 300 dimensions: 1328951100 bytes
2016-10-26 14:24:21,825 : INFO : resetting layer weights
2016-10-26 14:24:44,115 : INFO : training model with 16 workers on 458259 vocabulary and 300 features, using sg=1 hs=0 sample=0.001 negative=5 window=5
2016-10-26 14:24:44,115 : INFO : expecting 13147026 sentences, matching count from corpus used for vocabulary survey
2016-10-26 14:24:45,427 : INFO : PROGRESS: at 0.00% examples, 5933 words/s, in_qsize 24, out_qsize 0
2016-10-26 14:24:46,569 : INFO : PROGRESS: at 0.01% examples, 61154 words/s, in_qsize 14, out_qsize 1
2016-10-26 14:44:29,252 : INFO : PROGRESS: at 12.37% examples, 101454 words/s, in_qsize 0, out_qsize 0
2016-10-26 15:05:46,543 : INFO : PROGRESS: at 26.08% examples, 102286 words/s, in_qsize 0, out_qsize 0
2016-10-26 15:45:09,621 : INFO : PROGRESS: at 52.53% examples, 103708 words/s, in_qsize 0, out_qsize 0
2016-10-26 16:22:48,619 : INFO : PROGRESS: at 77.75% examples, 104303 words/s, in_qsize 0, out_qsize 1
2016-10-26 16:55:01,194 : INFO : PROGRESS: at 99.98% examples, 104921 words/s, in_qsize 0, out_qsize 0
2016-10-26 16:55:01,990 : INFO : training on 1293478590 raw words (946227620 effective words) took 9018.1s, 104926 effective words/s
As seen in the logs, speed is 104 kwords/s. (946227620 effective words after downsampling and multiple iterations)
Running Spark 2.0.1:
spark-shell.cmd --master local[16] --driver-memory 20G --conf spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=1G --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=2G
Sample output:
Start at 20:37:00
16/10/26 20:38:24 INFO Word2Vec: vocabSize = 458191, trainWordsCount = 138847698
16/10/26 20:40:09 INFO Word2Vec: wordCount = 10016, alpha = 0.024942290725321996
16/10/26 20:40:09 INFO Word2Vec: wordCount = 10016, alpha = 0.024942290725321996
16/10/26 20:40:09 INFO Word2Vec: wordCount = 10007, alpha = 0.0249423425807006
16/10/26 20:40:09 INFO Word2Vec: wordCount = 10095, alpha = 0.024941835550332025
16/10/26 20:40:09 INFO Word2Vec: wordCount = 10010, alpha = 0.0249423252955744
16/10/26 20:44:16 INFO Word2Vec: wordCount = 1013061, alpha = 0.01916303758840109
16/10/26 20:44:16 INFO Word2Vec: wordCount = 1003254, alpha = 0.019219542665953725
16/10/26 20:44:16 INFO Word2Vec: wordCount = 1013469, alpha = 0.019160686811237688
16/10/26 20:44:17 INFO Word2Vec: wordCount = 1014371, alpha = 0.019155489749959776
16/10/26 20:44:17 INFO Word2Vec: wordCount = 1003549, alpha = 0.019217842961877243
16/10/26 20:44:17 INFO Word2Vec: wordCount = 1023743, alpha = 0.019101491015706355
16/10/27 00:38:48 INFO Word2Vec: wordCount = 4334069, alpha = 2.8356789693720352E-5
model: org.apache.spark.mllib.feature.Word2VecModel = org.apache.spark.mllib.feature.Word2VecModel@778e3cfb
Done at 00:54:08
Since I'm using with 32 partitions, each one sees about 4.3M words.
Approximate [spontaneous] speed is 16 threads * 4077 w/s ~= 65 kwords/s
kwords/s | training time | total time | total words | |
word2vec | 1330 | 980s (0.27h) | 1015s (0.28h) | 129756040 |
gensim | 104 | 9016s (2.50h) | 9422s (2.62h) | 129347859 |
spark | 65 | 14424s (4.00h) | 15428s (4.29h) | 138847698 |
** Interesting to see that none of the tools sees the same number of words with spark being way out!**