This is meant for any Circle K club to be able to set up an event calendar in as little time as possible. With this version, some features are not yet supported, that will be changing. For now, the main thing that needs to be done to make things work is to set up a configuration object.
To view a demo of the site, please go to This may not be the latest version but should never be older than a couple days.
To set up this website, download the source and run make to minimize the javascript. Upload the files to your web host and navigate to the setup directory. Give the database information (please set up a separate mysql database for this) and it will walk you through the rest of the setup.
If you would like to use emails, phpmailer must be downloaded (it is available at The files should be placed in the directory extern/phpmailer.
The configuration object should be set up using the lib/ConfigGen object. It should be passed an array which can contain any of the following options:
- db_host (required): host for mysql database
- db_user (required): user for mysql database
- db_pass (required): password for mysql database
- db_name (required): name of mysql database
- club_name (required): name of the club
- cookie_name: name for the persistent login cookie
- access_add_event: the access level required to add an event
- access_add_event_recurring: the access level required to add a recurring event
- access_edit_event: the access level required to edit an event
- access_view_signup: the access level required to view event signups
- access_edit_signups: the access level required to make changes to event signups
- access_submit_hours: the access level required to submit event hours if not the event manager
- access_edit_hours: the access level required to edit submitted hours
- access_view_members: the access level required to retrieve information on registered members
- access_manage_members: the access level required to add/edit members
- access_manage_committees: the access level required to add/edit committees
- access_view_member_hours: the access level required to view the hours of other members
- calendar_display_moths: the number of months to display on the calendar at once
- year_start: the first year to show in year selection items
- navbar_links: an array of links to be shown in the navbar. The array keys should be the link text with the values as the urls
- event_default_status: the default status for an event (open, pending, etc.)
- emails_enabled: whether emails should be sent (true/false)
- emails_from_address: the address emails should be sent from
This file is located at include/config.php by default. Feel free to add any of the configuration options to the file manually.