Added JAVA 16 support #1579
Added optional realm connection string property for Kerberos authentication #1581
Added support for multiple, successive connections using AKV provider #1594
Updated error messages for Enclave exceptions with forward link to troubleshooting guide #1585
Added driver version to the database during prelogin #1583
Append MSAL exception error msg to error string #1576
Send client process ID to server on Java 9+ #1595
Removed dependency to org.hamcrest #1596
Updated dependency versions for azure-identity, azure-security-keyvault-keys, adal4j, gson, antlr, and bouncycastle #1613
Removed Java 9-specific class references from the Java 8 jar #1626
Updated dependencies versions and upgraded to Gradle version 7 #1627
Fixed issues
Fixed an issue where batch fails when always encrypted is enabled in connection string and clearParameters was called #1578
Fixed memory leak issue #1633
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