Native Python HBase Client (i.e doesn't use Thrift) developed during an internship at Flipboard.
Currently supports the following commands -
- Get
- Scan
- Put
- Append
- Increment
- Delete
Additionally supports every filter here for gets and scans.
Development has slowed down now that I'm back at school. Would love help moving forward - see the contributing section for details.
Developed on HBase >= 1.0. Theoretically compatible with any version of HBase utilizing Protobuf (0.96+) but wholly untested.
pip install git+git://
or add following to requirements.txt
import pybase
client = pybase.NewClient(zkquorum)
# values = {
# "cf1": {
# "mycol": "hodor",
# "mycol2": "alsohodor"
# },
# "cf2": {
# "mycolumn7": "nothodor"
# }
# }
rsp = client.put(table, key, values)
rsp = client.get(table, key)
# families = {
# "columnFamily1": [
# "qual1",
# "qual2"
# ],
# "columnFamily2": [
# "qual3"
# ]
# }
rsp = client.get(table, key, families=families)
from pybase import filters
pFilter = filters.KeyOnlyFilter(True)
rsp = client.get(table, key, families=families, filters=pFilter)
pFilter = filters.KeyOnlyFilter(True)
rsp = client.scan(table, filters=pFilter)
# Method 1
cFilter1 = filters.ColumnCountGetFilter(24)
cFilter2 = filters.ColumnRangeFilter("min", True, "max", True)
pFilter = filters.FilterList(filters.MUST_PASS_ALL, cFilter1, cFilter2)
# Method 2
pFilter = filters.FilterList(filters.MUST_PASS_ALL)
pFilter.add_filters(cFilter1, cFilter2)
# inc_values = {
# cf1: {
# "oberyn": "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05",
# },
# cf2: {
# "one": "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x08"
# }
# }
rsp = c.increment(table, key, inc_values)
Development has slowed down now that I'm back at school. Would love help moving forward.
- Here's a knowledge transfer document to help get up to speed.
- I've created a few Github issues as a starting point.
- If you want to help out feel free to shoot me an email so we don't step on each other's toes.
Want to try out the client locally? mblair helped write a bash script to install + setup HBase in pseudo-distributed mode on a vagrant instance.
Copyright © 2015 Samuel Curley. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0 that can be found in the LICENSE file.