Aids data analysis for VST/OmegaCAM surveys.
SurveyTools is a Python library to aid the data processing and analysis of wide-area surveys carried out using ESO's VST/OmegaCAM instrument. The library is focused entirely on the VPHAS+ survey of the Galactic Plane, but may contain useful tools for other VST users as well.
If you have a working installation of Python on your system, you can install SurveyTools using pip:
pip install git+
Alternatively, you can clone the repository and install from source:
$ git clone
$ cd surveytools
$ python install
Note that SurveyTools has only been tested in Linux at present.
The above command is sufficient for most features.
For the catalogue-generating module, however,
IRAF needs to be installed and the environment variables
need to be set.
On 64-bit Linux, the following sequence of commands
installs and prepares IRAF v216 for use with surveytools:
mkdir ~/bin/iraf
cd ~/bin/iraf
tar -xf iraf.lnux.x86_64.tar.gz
export iraf='~/bin/iraf'
export IRAFARCH='linux64'
To prevent IRAF from making a "caching" directory in whatever
directory you run it from, it is recommended that you initialize an iraf
directory in your home dir: (optional)
mkdir ~/iraf
cd ~/iraf
astropy 1.0
photutils 0.1
Creating a pretty pawprint plot which combines the data from all of OmegaCAM's 32 CCDs into a single quicklook JPG:
vst-pawplot -o plot.jpg omegacam-exposure.fits
Creating a beautiful colour jpg from CCD #10 in VPHAS offset '1835a':
vphas-quicklook 1835a --ccd 10
Creating a multi-band catalogue of PSF photometry for VPHAS offset "0149a":
from surveytools impot VphasOffsetCatalogue
catalogue = VphasOffsetCatalogue('0149a').create_catalogue()
To report bugs and request features, please use the issue tracker.
Copyright 2015 Geert Barentsen.
SurveyTools is free software made available under the MIT License. For details see the LICENSE file.