Draws a big triangle that covers the entire viewport. Useful for GPGPU or when applying fullscreen postprocessing effects.
If you're wondering why a big triangle and not a big square made from two smaller triangles, there are potentially significant performance advantages in taking the former approach.
var shell = require("gl-now")()
var drawTriangle = require("a-big-triangle")
var createShader = require("gl-shader")
var shader
shell.on("gl-init", function() {
shader = createShader(shell.gl,
"precision mediump float;\
attribute vec2 position;\
varying vec2 uv;\
void main() {\
uv = position.xy;\
gl_Position = vec4(position.xy, 0.0, 1.0);\
"precision mediump float;\
varying vec2 uv;\
void main() {\
gl_FragColor = vec4(uv, 0, 1);\
shell.on("gl-render", function() {
npm install a-big-triangle
Draws a fullscreen triangle.
is a WebGL context
(c) 2013