This is a set of functions that implement the AWS v4 signature process. In addition to implementing the general HTTP case, generic internals and service-specific implementations are provided (i.e. S3, Cloudfront, etc.).
request signing- Query signing (presigned URLs)
request signing- Unsigned payload
: Chunked Upload (streaming payload)
- Query signing (presigned URLs)
- POST form authorization (signed policy)
This library assumes there are no illegal characters in header names (i.e. whitespace) or values (i.e. control chars). If there are, Node.JS will fail when making the request.
Duplicate headers with different capitalizations (such as { 'Header': 'value1', 'HEADER': 'value2' }
) will be rejected with an error, because
it causes undefined behaviour when sending the request.
AWS doesn't define how non-ASCII characters are handled in header values, so the generated signature may not work in those cases.