##Get the code
check out and install the depot_tools package.
create chromium dir and clone the repository to src folder:
git clone https://github.com/brave/chromium.git src
##Configure your build (You can only use a Linux build machine for Android builds)
create a a file called
with the following contents:/chromium$ echo "{ 'GYP_DEFINES': 'OS=android target_arch=arm', }" > chromium.gyp_env
is ready, you need to run the following command to update projects from gyp files. You may need to run this again when you have added new files, updated gyp files, or sync'ed your repository:/chromium$ gclient runhooks
create a build directory and set the build flags with:
/chromium/src$ gn args out/Default
This command will bring up your editor with the GN build args (re-run gn args on that directory to edit the flags in the future. ). In this file add:
target_os = "android" target_cpu = "arm" # (default) is_debug = true # (default) is_component_build = true is_clang = true symbol_level = 1 # Faster build with fewer symbols. -g1 rather than -g2 enable_incremental_javac = true # Much faster; experimental
prepare the environment:
/chromium/src$ . build/android/envsetup.sh
##Build the full browser
Note: When adding new resource files or java files in gyp builds, you need to run 'gclient runhooks' again to get them in the build.
build browser:
/chromium/src$ ninja -C out/Default chrome_public_apk
deploy it to your Android device:
/chromium/src$ build/android/adb_install_apk.py out/Default/apks/Brave.apk