Bayesian website classifier for the ZPR course at the EiTI faculty of Warsaw University of Technology.
If needed single files can be compiled with something similar to:
g++ tidy.cpp -o tidy -ltidy `pkg-config --cflags --libs libxml++-2.6 libcurl` -std=c++11
CMakeLists info:
Since neither libtidy nor libxml++ have official CMake Modules added and found FindTidy.cmake isn't working it is recommended to add new libs with global path. Compilation may require exporting: export CONFIGURE_ENV=LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib
On Unix:
to find the path use: dpkg -L yourlibname
preferrably .so should be use, f.e. : target_link_libraries(targetname /usr/lib/
File installation:
Currently all files are to be installed via ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_LIB_DESTINATION} which places everything neatly in catkin_ws/install/lib/bayesian_webclass/. Current installation folders and rules: files from bayesian_webclass/txt/ matching pattern ".txt" files from bayesian_webclass/xml/ matching pattern ".xml"
- opens csv/dns.csv file, saves its content to map: id -> domain_name and checks wheather all these links can be opened. Valid links saves to file valid_domains.csv
(no checks only 30, comment for loop and uncomment another version to download all)
=> Currently in progress, could not work properly
one method to tokenize csv file, take wanted columns and save to map.