This repository is my personal practical project of the Backend master class course by TECH SCHOOL.
In this backend master class, we’re going to learn everything about how to design, develop, and deploy a complete backend system from scratch using PostgreSQL, Golang and Docker.
users {
id integer
wallet_address varchar(255)
name varchar(255)
avatar_url varchar(1000)
created_at timestamp
updated_at timestamp
event {
id integer
author_id integer
name string
description string
created_at timestamp
updated_at timestamp
primaryKey(id, author_id)
posts {
id integer
title varchar
body text
user_id integer
status varchar
created_at timestamp
foreignKey(user_id) references users(id)
## Setup local development
### Install tools
- [Docker desktop](
- [TablePlus](
- [Golang](
- [Homebrew](
- [Migrate](
brew install golang-migrate
- [Sqlc](
brew install golang-migrate
### Setup infrastructure
- Start postgres container:
make postgres
- Create simple_bank database:
make createdb
- Run db migration:
make migrateup
### How to run
- Run test:
make test