The Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC) is an introductory computer science curriculum developed at UC Berkeley meant for high school freshmen up to college freshmen. The program has a teacher guide and a newly generated password that is to be given to any teacher who signs up for the program as a volunteer educator in the Bay Area - there are plans to expand the program to other states in late 2020. This pilot application is designed as a dashboard to track the workflow of teachers who run the program and provide high-level, descriptive statistics on the courses taught and participating schools. The BJC Teacher Tracker is a NEW project started in Fall 2019 by a group of 5 student developers in UC Berkeley's CS 169: Software Engineering.
We have worked on the adding following core features and functionality:
- Feature: A application form for prospective teachers to request access to the platform
- Functionality: Administrators are immediately notified of new applications via email
- Feature: Administrators can validate or deny applicants with a button click
- Functionality: An email is automatically sent to successful applicants notifying them of their acceptance to the teaching program
- Feature: A separate administrators' view that uses Google OAuth to allow logins from UC Berkeley-registered users (
- Functionality: Administrators can login to the dashboard to view unvalidated applications, statistics on validated applicants, and a list of current teachers
- Feature: The administrators' view contains a main page with
- buttons to delete or validate newly submitted forms
- tables for statistics about the schools and the courses current teachers are teaching
- a map with the locations of all the schools that teachers are a part of
- a separate page with all the validated teachers and their information
brew install postgresql chromedriver
- Start postgres if necessary.
brew services start postgresql
sudo apt install postgresql
- Create a postgres user.
sudo su - postgres
(to get into postgres shell)createuser --interactive --pwprompt
(in postgres shell)- Save these information in
. (username: [username]
password: [password]
- Start postgres if necessary.
pg_ctlcluster 12 main start
rvm use 2.7.5
# Double-check.ruby-version
bin/rails db:setup
(Run this after setting up Postgres)
- Before running our application on localhost (`bundle exec rails server', default port 3000), the encrypted application.yml.asc file in the config folder needs to be unencrypted into the application.yml file. Only Michael, the current customer ([email protected]), has the secret key to do this.
- For RSpec tests run
bundle exec rspec
- For Cucumber tests run
bundle exec cucumber
- To make someone an admin use db console access
- ... create a heroku app
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/nodejs
# this must be the first buildpack.heroku buildpacks:set heroku/ruby
git remote set-url heroku
- Make your local changes and start the commit process
git add .
git commit -m "<Message>"
git push heroku master
If bundler install runs successfully, continue with the following commands to correctly setup the PostgreSQL database on Heroku:
heroku run rake db:drop
heroku run rake db:schema:load
heroku run rake db:migrate
figaro heroku:set -e production
heroku open