This lambda function is meant to allow you listen to an S3 bucket for HDF results and push them to a Heimdall Server.
- How Does This Lambda Work?
- How Can I Deploy This Lambda with Terraform?
- What Format Do JSON Files Need to Be in for the Function to Process Results?
The lambda function is triggered when new files hit an S3 bucket that you specify under the unprocessed/*
folder. The lambda will then take several steps to process the results:
- Fetch the new file from S3
- Form a valid API request for a Heimdall server and tag the result with
- Send the API request to the configured Heimdall server
- Save the HDF to the same S3 bucket under
- Save the original file to the same S3 bucket under
- Delete the unprocessed version of the file from the S3 bucket
Before deploying with terraform you will need to pull the docker image to your deployment machine
docker pull<version>
# Heimdall Pusher Lambda function
module "serverless-heimdall-pusher-lambda" {
source = ""
heimdall_url = ""
heimdall_user = ""
heimdall_password = ""
results_bucket_id = "bucket_name"
subnet_ids = ["subnet-00000000000000000"]
security_groups = ["sg-00000000000000000"]
lambda_role_arn = aws_iam_role.InSpecRole.arn
lambda_name = "serverless-heimdall-pusher-lambda"
New files that are added to the S3 bucket under unprocessed/*
and are in the below format can trigger the lambda and have it process the results properly.
"data": {}, // This is where the HDF results go
"eval_tags": "ServerlessInspec,RHEL7" // These are any tags that should be assigned in Heimdall
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