Kajetan Schweighofer1*, Lukas Aichberger1*, Mykyta Ielanskyi1, Sepp Hochreiter1,2
This work presents an framework of information-theoretic predictive uncertainty measures, based on the predicting model and the approximation of the true predictive distribution. The following code was used to perform all reported experiments in the paper. An efficient implementation of the Monte-Carlo estimators of all measures is provided in uncertainty_measures.py.
To change where the datasets are loaded, results are stored, etc. change paths in constants.py. The environment can be installed via
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate unc
The active learning experiments are independent of all other experiments. For the other experiments, models for Deep Ensembles and MC Dropout are necessary to be trained first. Based on them, adversarial examples can be generated.
The next step is to obtain predictive distributions to be analyzed later on. Those are obtained via the eval_x.ipynb files. Note that for the Laplace Approximation we do not store individual models, but directly obtain predictive distributions in the eval_laplace.ipynb file, utilizing the MAP models from the respective Deep Ensemble run.
Finally, all experiments are investigated in the respective analyze_x.ipynb files, which generate all plots.
The active learning experiments are conducted by
Afterwards, results can be analyzed in analyze_active_learning.ipynb
Raw models for Deep Ensembles and MC Dropout are trained by
They are evaluated using the eval_ensemble.ipynb, eval_ensemble_cifar10_c.ipynb, eval_mcdropout.ipynb and eval_mcdropout_cifar10_c.ipynb files. Note however, that the eval_ensemble.ipynb and eval_mcdropout.ipynb notebook also provide predictive distributions for adversarial examples, thus it is advisable to generate them first.
After all models are trained for Deep Ensembles and MC Dropout, adversarial examples can be generated via
The laplace approximation can also only be done upon having runs for Deep Ensembles finished, as the MAP models are individual models of the Deep Ensemble. Predictions are obtained in eval_laplace.ipynb and eval_laplace_cifar10_c.ipynb for the distribution shift experiments.
If you have any questions around the code or the paper itself, feel free to reach out to [email protected]
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title={On Information-Theoretic Measures of Predictive Uncertainty},
author={Kajetan Schweighofer and Lukas Aichberger and Mykyta Ielanskyi and Sepp Hochreiter},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.10786},