This repository goes along with the Spring Batch Webinar given June 10th, 2014. The presentation deck is provided as well as the code from all demos.
From the root of the project:
$ ./gradlew clean build
This may be skipped if done previously$ java -jar JSR-352/build/libs/JSR-352.jar helloWorldJob name=Michael
From the root of the project:
$ ./gradlew clean build
This may be skipped if done previouslyjava -jar JSR-352/build/libs/JSR-352.jar fileToDatabase fileName=<PATH_TO_WORKSPACE>/SpringBatchWebinar/JSR-352/src/main/resources/data/customer.csv
where <PATH_TO_WORKSPACE> is the absolute path to the location you cloned this repository from.
From the root of the project:
$ ./gradlew clean build
This may be skipped if done previously$ java -jar SpringBasedJSR-352/build/libs/SpringBasedJSR-352.jar fileToDatabase fileName=<PATH_TO_WORKSPACE/SpringBatchWebinar/JSR-352/src/main/resources/data/customer.csv
where <PATH_TO_WORKSPACE> is the absolute path to the location you cloned this repository from.
This example requires a small bit of additional configuration. In order to poll and post to Twitter, you'll need to supply your Twitter credentials. To do that:
- In the directory
create a file
. - Add the following to it replacing the values for the first four accordingly:
$ ./gradlew clean build
This may be skipped if done previously$ java -jar SpringBatchIntegration/build/libs/SpringBatchIntegraiton.jar
- Login to Twitter.
- Sent the following tweet where <PATH_TO_INPUT> points to the input file:
fileToDatabase fileName=<PATH_TO_INPUT>
- Verify the results on Twitter and in the console. The job polls once a minute so there will be a bit of a delay.
The demo performed during the webinar was based on Spring XD 1.0.0.M7. Installation instructions for that version of Spring XD can be found here:
To execute the file to HDFS batch job provided by Spring XD:
- Make sure Hadoop is running
- Execute Spring XD single node specifying your apropriate Hadoop distribution:
$ ./xd-singlenode --hadoopDistro hadoop12
- Navigate to http://localhost:9393/admin-ui
- Navigate to the modules tab
- Select filepollhdfs
- Enter the following fields:
- Name: FileToHdfs
- Names: customer,qty
- Click Submit
- Navigate to the Deployments Tab
- Click Launch next to FileToHdfs
- Click + Param and add the parameter: absoluteFilePath = /tmp/customer.csv
- Click launch job
- Check out the results in Hadoop