How to contribute to this open source project Prerequisites
- You will need to have flutter set up on your system
- You Should know this project was built using stacked as a state management tool check this for info on stacked
To get started with the code follow this steps
- Fork my repo
... click the fork button on the top right corner and give it a name you want ... 2. clone your fork
- Navigate to the project directory
....//TODO cd recipe_app .....
- clean the app by running the flutter clean
.... flutter clean ....
- run the app
.... flutter run ....
make changes
create a branch
checkout to your branch
commit changes
push your code
To contribute to this project, features are added via PRs. The guideline for PRs are one PR per feature. Features can be a screen, backend integration or a bug fix. When creating a branch that later turns into a PR, kindly make use of this formats in branch formats below.
Below are the formats to use when contributing to this project.
- feat/<branch_name>
- chore/<branch_name>
- fix/<branch_name>
Anything outside this would lead to closing of the PR and redoing it.