This bundle rotates through your pool of http proxies when sending subsequent requests.
composer require modstore/rotating-proxy-bundle:dev-master
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Modstore\RotatingProxyBundle\ModstoreRotatingProxyBundle(),
// ...
Add your proxy ip addresses to the db table: modstore_rotating_proxy
- host: The proxy IP address
- port: The proxy port
- status: 1 to enable, 0 to disable
/** @var \Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler $crawler */
$crawler = $container->get('modstore_rotating_proxy.manager')->crawlPage(
['Referer' => '']
An instance of the Symfony dom crawler will be returned:
In order to ensure requests aren't too similar and blocked as a bot, each request will set a random user agent string. It is also a good idea to provide a "Referer" string that would be a plausible organic referrer to the page you're requesting.
The second argument is a group name. Requests are rotated within a group. Generally for all requests to a particular domain, you would set the same group name.
There's a test command to see how it works and test your requests. The text from the body of the page will be output.
php bin/console modstore_rotating_proxy:test
Optionally a url can be provided:
php bin/console modstore_rotating_proxy:test --url=''
When the url argument is omitted, a request will be sent to
A log of all requests is stored in the modstore_rotating_proxy_log table.