To run a solution, cd
into its directory and invoke the program with Cargo:
$ cd aoc01
$ cargo run --release < input/input.txt
Note that these solutions are favoring clear and concise code over performance. That being said, the solutions are still pretty darn fast!
lessons learned:
- aoc04
- parsing using the
crate - raw string, while escaping white spaces using the
- parsing using the
- aoc08
- read a line from a file
- aoc15
- leveraging BTreeMap for iterating over keys in sorted order
- composition over inheritance,
- data-oriented design
- aoc16
- basic modules uses
- iterating over enums
- simple string parsing (
) - composition over inheritance w/ enum algebraic datatypes
- using the new type pattern for
pub struct Registers(pub [RegisterValue; 4]);
- aoc17
- leveraging the
types - returning declarative types using enums
- impl Display
- leveraging the
- aoc18
- leveraging trait objects with the state pattern (probably overkill for this problem, but a fun exercise)
- aoc19
- vec destructuring assignment
- read file into a string, made more concise using
instead ofBufReader
- optimizing machine code using opcodes and registers a hypothetical ISA
- override std::slice::Iter to iterate over all variants of an enum
- aoc20
- vec destructuring assignment
- read file into a string, made more concise using
instead offile::read_to_string
- optimizing machine code using opcodes and registers a hypothetical ISA
- aoc22
- dijkstra's algorithm, using weighted edges
- using the
"or" operator on enum variants within amatch
- aoc23
- impl PartialOrd trait
Additional advent of code resources:
Rust solutions by BurntSushi (I cross-checked all of my solutions against his):
solution megathread: