An android library which provides utility methods to perform various types of common actions in app i.e. validations, toasts, widget related utilities etc.
Add it to your build.gradle with:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.mohitrajput987:app-utility:v1.1.0'
Simple to use like below:
// Call web service
ToastUtils.showShortToast(context, R.string.network_not_available);
if(ValidationUtils.isEmailValid("[email protected]")){
// Perform task
ToastUtils.showShortToast(context, R.string.invalid_email);
Email, mobile, zipcode, name, url etc.
Methods to show toast messages easiliy without writing much code.
Internet availability, max length, bitmap etc.
Location related methods.
Easy way to use shared preference in app.
You can read complete details about all classes and their methods in javadoc