For this project, you will use React to build a trivia game powered by the Open Trivia Database.
This project does not include any wireframes: you will have to design the game yourself.
One way to implement this is to present the user with a list of categories. A user can choose a category, and then answer questions within that category. But that's not the only way you could do this. Use your creativity!
You will need to spend time exploring the Open Trivia Database API to see what kind of data you are working with and the different options that the API gives you. This might give you some ideas for things you want to do in your application.
Wireframe your design before you start building and think about how your user will interact with your application. Figuring out what you want the user to see and do will help you plan the components you need. You may want to start with one big component that you then break down into smaller ones that have only one job. Note that wireframing is about organization and functionality, not about styling.
Your first task should be getting categories to show up on the page. Then, give your user a way to select a category and see questions for that category.
From there, think about what the user wants to do next. What will they see and do? How will the application respond to their interactions?
- A user can select a category and take a quiz in that category. A quiz should have at least 10 questions in it.
- A quiz shows the user one question at a time. The possible answers should be shown in a random order so that the correct answer isn't in the same place every time.
- The application tracks the user's answers and shows results. You might do this as they go through each question or at the end, or both.
- Your React application should be broken up into 3 or more components.
- Your application should have two or more "screens." In a traditional web application, we'd think of these as different pages or views.
- Your application uses React's state to manage data.
- Your application uses Open Trivia Database's API.
- Your application is styled.
Minimum functional requirements:
- A user can see a list of categories.
- A user can select one category.
- A user can see questions for that category, with answer options for each question.
- A user can select an answer for a question.
- A user can see if that answer is the correct answer.
- A user can go back to the category list and start over.
It would be awesome if:
- The answers are shuffled so that the correct answer is not always in the same position.
- The questions are shown one at a time instead of all at once, and the user is able to advance through the set of questions.
- A user can see how many questions they answered correctly (or some kind of score) when they have answered all the questions in a category.
You are free to design your application however you like, but here are some ideas for things to consider. None of these are required. You're also welcome to implement something not on this list.
- Allow users to customize their quiz by choosing how many questions they want to answer and/or choosing a difficulty level.
- After a user completes a quiz, show them how many they got right out of the total number they answered. Optionally, show them which questions they got right and which ones they got wrong.
- Consider using local storage to store scores so that they will still be there if the page is reloaded.
- Create a win condition and some way to indicate that a user has won. You might want to explore awarding badges, animations or something delightful like react-confetti.
- Integrate a timer into your trivia application somehow -- for example, you could impose a time limit on answering questions and mark a question wrong if there is no guess before the timer runs out. Or, you could see how many questions your user can answer in a certain amount of time. Consider using local storage to store times and show the user their personal best times.
- Implement a social share feature so your user can easily share their score on social media -- this could be as fancy or straightforward as you want it to be.
- Use any React library that looks interesting to you. Here are some things to browse through. Here's some more.
You can learn about the Open Trivia Database API at this API config page.
Some things you are likely to want to do:
- Get list of categories:
- Get 10 questions:
- If you add a session token you won't receive the same question twice
- Get a token:
- Add a token to a request: