Open Source Contribution events happen ever so often these days, manually counting the scores of each contirbutor and setting up a point based leaderboard can become painful and messy ver easily, on the other hand using the Github API can be very intimidating due to its ridiculous quota limitations. Leadgen is a simple yet powerful API that helps you easily generate a leaderboard for your events, all you need is a list of repositories, a common label to dentify in-scope PRs, Point based labels and the corresponding points!
To Be Added Soon....
Currently Leadgen is in its very initial stages with the most important core features implemented which includes user-signups, leaderboard creation, server job creation, job run and status updates and leaderboard generation. Leadgen aims to extend eventually to the following features:
Multiple access key architecture where more than one Github token is used to accomodate a larger amount of generations at one time without hitting the quota limit.
View creations: Send back template-based ejs generated leaderboards so that the users don't need to style them on the frontend
Create a frontend app: For Non-API users, create a frontend ReactJS based app for easier creations and management
Scale larger than leaderboard generation: On the longer run, this API aims to convert itself into a complete event managment system with ticket bookings, quizzes etc.
Monish Basaniwal |