The purpose of this device is to Triangulate possition of a TAG in the Space minimum 3 ANCHOR needs to be placed in the space to triangulate one or more TAG.
This code is using the example API provide with the device. Everything is on the raspberry pi and runing on it.
### path to folder from root of the PI
cd /DWM1001_DWM1001-DEV_MDEK1001_Sources_and_Docs_v8/DWM1001/Source_Code/DWM1001_host_api/dwm1001_host_api/examples/ex1_TWR_2Hosts/tag/
### cmd to run to start the application
The use of this application is to send positions, using UDP, to a third party application such as TouchDesigner, UNITY or other Realtime application. coordinate can be use to generate or manage interactive content.