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tailwind + elm = 🚀

See the demo and repo.

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view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    Html.div [ TW.h_screen, TW.w_screen, TW.flex, TW.justify_center, TW.items_center, TW.bg_gray_200 ]
        [ Html.div []
            [ Html.button
                [ E.onClick Decrement
                , TW.px_2
                , TW.px_4
                , TW.text_white
                , TW.bg_blue_500
                , TW.w_full
                [ Html.text "-" ]
            , Html.div
                [ TW.text_2xl
                , TW.text_center
                , TW.my_4
                [ Html.text (String.fromInt model) ]
            , Html.button
                [ E.onClick Increment
                , TW.px_2
                , TW.px_4
                , TW.text_white
                , TW.bg_blue_500
                , TW.w_full
                [ Html.text "+" ]


yarn add postcss-elm-tailwind --dev

# OR

npm i -D postcss-elm-tailwind


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      tailwindConfig: "./tailwind.config.js", // tell us where your tailwind.config.js lives
      // only the tailwindConfig key is required, the rest are optional:
      elmFile: "src/Tailwind.elm", // change where the generated Elm module is saved
      elmModuleName: "Tailwind", // this must match the file name or Elm will complain
      nameStyle: "snake", // "snake" for snake case, "camel" for camel case
      splitByScreens: true // generate an Elm module for each screen

See the demo for a full example.

Other output formats


If you want to use Tailwind classes to style SVG you can output an Svg module like this:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      tailwindConfig: "./tailwind.config.js",
      elmFile: "src/Tailwind.elm",
      elmModuleName: "Tailwind",
      formats: {
        svg: {
          elmFile: "src/Tailwind/Svg.elm",
          elmModuleName: "Tailwind.Svg"


If you want access to the class names themselves, you can output a String module as an escape hatch:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      tailwindConfig: "./tailwind.config.js",
      elmFile: "src/Tailwind.elm",
      elmModuleName: "Tailwind",
      formats: {
        string: {
          elmFile: "src/Tailwind/String.elm",
          elmModuleName: "Tailwind.String"

Other things to note

In order to get a small build, you'll need to build Tailwind twice - once without purgecss to build TW.elm with all the classes and once with purgecss so that all the unused classes are removed from your production CSS. See how this is implemented in the demo.