Click here to view the form. This form does not has a backend and all the collected data will logged into console.
This Form can be used as a template for your own reference.
Clone this project to your local file system.
git clone
If you are on Linux, just run the scriptm which will download node and npm package manager for you, and run the script npm install && npm start
If you are on windows, get your nodejs here. After you finished the installation, run the command below on the root directory of this project (should be at ~/multi-step-form).
npm install
After it's done getting all the dependencies, start the development server by running:
npm start
To run the test:
npm test
Voila! you are good to go.
This form consist of 4 forms SelectMeal.js, SelectRest.js, SelectDish.js, Review.js and they are wrapped inside one parent App.js. Each form is served according to the parent's step state. Each and every form's important states will be saved on parent's state every time you navigate to the next or previous form. Each and every form's state will be recovered via parent states passed down as props namely stateFromParent, including the Review.js form. The errors generated from the text input box are done by using regex to check the input.