Hi there ๐. My name is Hussein Abdulqohar. I am a self-learning programmer specialized in front end development. For every project I work on, I intend to bring alive beautiful user interfaces while respecting accessibility guidelines and user experience.
Check out my portfolio website, though still in development abdulqoharhussein.com
I have worked with a number of frontend technologies over the years.
- Frontend Frameworks
- React JS
- Gatsby JS
- Next JS
- UI Libraries
- Material UI
- Chakra UI
- State management
- React context
- Apollo client
- Animation Libraries
- Framer motion
- SVG animation
- Others
- Html, CSS, Javscript, Tailwind CSS, Sass, Styled components, JS PDF, GraphQL
- Source control
- Git and GitHub
- Headless CMS
- Strapi, Commerce JS, GraphCMS