This is a simple SQL formatter that handles formatting whitespace and capitalization of keywords. I originally wrote it for the purpose of learning Elm, but it soon became a project where I could try out languages that I'm unfamiliar with and see how many different languages can be compiled down to JavaScript. Most of the languages used, plus a lot of others, can be found here.
The app logic in each language is compiled to JavaScript using various Webpack loaders, some of which I implemented as wrappers around shell commands. The current languages are:
Check it out at
Install npm dependencies first with npm install
, then follow the steps for each language below.
Find the correct Dart SDK URL for the desired version and OS here, then run the following:
mkdir -p "$HOME/.dart"
curl -L <dart-sdk-url> -o "$HOME/.dart/"
unzip -q "$HOME/.dart/" -d "$HOME/.dart"
export PATH="$HOME/.dart/dart-sdk/bin:$PATH"
pub get
First, install Erlang and Elixir. On Mac, you can install Erlang with brew install erlang
. To install Elixir, I
recommend using Kiex.
Then install ElixirScript:
export EXS_VERSION=56cb2c5
mkdir -p "$HOME/.elixirscript/$EXS_VERSION"
curl -o- -L$EXS_VERSION.tar.gz -o "$HOME/.elixirscript/elixirscript-$EXS_VERSION.tar.gz" | tar xvzf - -C "$HOME/.elixirscript/$EXS_VERSION"
export PATH="$HOME/.elixirscript/$EXS_VERSION/dist/elixirscript/bin:$PATH"
Install Elm packages:
$(npm bin)/elm-package install
The ES6 build doesn't require any additional dependencies!
Install F#. On Mac, you can run brew install mono
. On Linux, check out the docs.
First, install Go 1.8, then run:
go get -u
First, install Ruby if you don't already have it. I recommend using RVM. Then run:
bundle install
Install PHP (any version 5.3-5.6 should work fine), then install PHPUnit:
mkdir -p "$HOME/.phpunit/bin"
curl -sL -o "$HOME/.phpunit/bin/phpunit"
chmod +x "$HOME/.phpunit/bin/phpunit"
export PATH="$HOME/.phpunit/bin:$PATH"
Install psc-package and install dependencies:
mkdir -p "$HOME/.psc-package/$PSC_PACKAGE_VERSION"
# Replace macos with linux64 if necessary
curl -o- -sL$PSC_PACKAGE_VERSION/macos.tar.gz | tar xzf - -C "$HOME/.psc-package/$PSC_PACKAGE_VERSION" --strip-components 1
export PATH="$HOME/.psc-package/$PSC_PACKAGE_VERSION:$PATH"
psc-package update
Rust has the most experimental compilation process, using support for WebAssembly via nightly builds. Run the following:
# Install Rust
curl -L | sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain=nightly
source ~/.cargo/env
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install cargo-web
Run the following to setup SBT:
export SBT_VERSION=0.13.15
mkdir -p "$HOME/.sbt-bin/$SBT_VERSION"
curl -o- -L$SBT_VERSION/sbt-$SBT_VERSION.tgz | tar xvzf - -C "$HOME/.sbt-bin/$SBT_VERSION" --strip-components 1
export PATH="$HOME/.sbt-bin/$SBT_VERSION/bin:$PATH"
Compile all code to JavaScript:
npm run compile
The compile
command accepts comma-separated only
and exclude
arguments to filter what languages are compiled,
# Only compile ES6 and Opal
npm run compile -- --env.only es6,opal
# Compile everything but GopherJS and Dart
npm run compile -- --env.exclude gopherjs,dart
Run the Webpack dev server:
npm run dev
Note: The dev
command also accepts the only
and exclude
arguments mentioned above
Then visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser.
Tests are run using a variety tools to match the different languages. To run them:
npm run test
npm run dist
Note: The dist
command also accepts the only
and exclude
arguments mentioned above
Deployment to GitHub pages is scripted.