Apr 12, 2021
Big thanks to the 21 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
- 👩🎤 Migrate 9 components to emotion.
- 💄 Support different numbers of columns with the Grid component (#25636) @Avi98.
- And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 improvements.
@material-ui/[email protected]
- [Alert] Vertically align action on top (#25654) @xdshivani
- [Autocomplete] Fix text field standard visual regression (#25676) @oliviertassinari
- [CssBaseline] Fix @font-face rule broken in styleOverrides (#25583) @mnajdova
- [Grid] Support custom number of columns (#25636) @Avi98
- [InputBase] Fix autofill typo (#25651) @michal-perlakowski
- [LinearProgress] Add color="inherit" support (#25641) @itscharlieliu
- [Pagination] Allow to differentiate more item types (#25622) @ruppysuppy
- [Popover] Add popoverClasses export to type declarations (#25695) @tomasznguyen
- [Rating] Add highlight selected rating only (#25649) @Vikram710
- [Rating] Migrate to emotion (#25588) @natac13
- [Select] Migrate to emotion (#25653) @mnajdova
- [Select] Migrate NativeSelect to emotion (#24698) @duganbrett
- [SpeedDial] Fix broken aria reference issue (#25665) @RiyaNegi
- [Stepper] Migrate MobileStepper to emotion (#25589) @natac13
- [styles] Outdated warning message (#25637) @bhairavee23
- [Table] Remove legacy fix for JSS (#25692) @oliviertassinari
- [Table] Migrate TableSortLabel to emotion (#25638) @natac13
- [TabPanel] Migrate to emotion (#25646) @tomasznguyen
- [TextareaAutosize] Fix resizing bug on Firefox (#25634) @bhairavee23
- [TextField] Add textFieldClasses export to type declarations (#25696) @tomasznguyen
- [theme] Change default bgColor to white in light mode (#25730) @saleebm
- [ToggleButton] Add fullWidth prop (#25585) @hcz
- [typescript] Add muiName to declarations (#25689) @michal-perlakowski
@material-ui/[email protected]
- [Timeline] Migrate TimelineSeparator to emotion (#25666) @vicasas
- [Timeline] Migrate TimelineConnector to emotion (#25663) @vicasas
- [TimePicker] Use clock icon when editing in mobile mode (#25569) @alcwhite
- [TreeView] Migrate to emotion (#25673) @tomasznguyen
- [blog] Fix typos @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Migrate TextField demos to emotion (#25626) @vicasas
- [docs] Bump stylis-plugin-rtl requirement (#25661) @mnajdova
- [docs] Ensure old api-docs translations are cleaned (#25680) @eps1lon
- [docs] Fix typo in v4 migration doc (#25678) @thameera
- [docs] Fix useLayoutEffect warning (#25670) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Fix a11y issue in the SpeedDial docs (#25669) @RiyaNegi
- [docs] Cover TypeScript commands in codemod readme (#25640) @StuffByLiang
- [docs] Migrate Popover demos to emotion (#25620) @vicasas
- [docs] Fix typo in switches and checkboxes doc (#25639) @dimitropoulos
- [docs] Add interoperability section for Portal (#25575) @mnajdova
- [docs] Fix side nav scroll position (#25619) @misaka3
- [website] Q1 2021 Update (#25591) @oliviertassinari
- [website] Matheus Wichman joins Material-UI (#25590) @oliviertassinari
- [test] Use public api in lab (#25682) @vicasas
- [test] Test types of .spec lab files (#25684) @eps1lon
- [core] Fix build step for unstyled package (#25672) @oliviertassinari
- [core] Ensure react-is uses v17 (#25668) @eps1lon
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @alcwhite, @bhairavee23, @dimitropoulos, @duganbrett, @eps1lon, @hcz, @itscharlieliu, @michal-perlakowski, @misaka3, @mnajdova, @natac13, @oliviertassinari, @RiyaNegi, @ruppysuppy, @saleebm, @StuffByLiang, @thameera, @tomasznguyen, @vicasas, @Vikram710, @xdshivani