Jul 19, 2023
A big thanks to the 24 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:
- 💫 Introducing some new components for Joy UI:
- Skeleton component (#37893) @siriwatknp
- ToggleButton (#37716) @siriwatknp
- 🎉 Base UI has its own landing page!
- 🐛 bug fixes, 📚 documentation, and ⚙️ infrastructure improvements.
@mui/[email protected]
- [FormControlLabel] Fix misplaced asterisk when
is provided (#37831) @ZeeshanTamboli - [Slider][material] Fix type dependency on @types/prop-types (#37853) @Methuselah96
- [Menu] Add MuiMenuList to createTheme components key (#37956) @mj12albert
- [Modal] Remove deprecated
from tests (#38018) @sai6855
@mui/[email protected]
- [Slider][material-next] Add use client directive to useSliderElementsOverlap (#37955) @mj12albert
- [Button][material-next] Fix some event handlers being ignored (#37647) @DiegoAndai
@mui/[email protected]
- [Autocomplete] Make touch and click behavior on an option consistent (#37972) @divyammadhok
@mui/[email protected]
- [Joy][Select] Fix type error caused by custom variant (#37996) @OmPr366
- [ToggleButton][Joy] Add
component (#37716) @siriwatknp - [Skeleton] Add Joy UI
component (#37893) @siriwatknp
@mui/[email protected]
- [utils] Add function overload for
(#37827) @cherniavskii
- [docs][base] Add Tailwind CSS & plain CSS demo on the form control page (#37914) @mnajdova
- [docs][base] Make Base UI Select demos denser (#37836) @zanivan
- [docs] Link Material UI from the landing page (#37971) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Fix the empty /components page (#38010) @brijeshb42
- [docs] Checkout template follows user's color scheme preference (#37928) @OndrejHj04
- [docs] Disable ad for onboarding pages (#37998) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Fix broken link to Base UI Next.js App Router (#37973) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Fix typo in next-js-app-router.md (#37974) @ericbrian
- [docs] Add pnpm commands to Material UI Installation page (#36650) @officialrajdeepsingh
- [docs] Link charts in the roadmap (#37944) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Improve changelog @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Improve the Select docs (#37279) @michaldudak
- [docs][menu] Add Tailwind CSS & plain CSS demo on the Menu page (#37856) @mnajdova
- [example] Update EmotionCacheProvider to work with GlobalStyles (#37962) @siriwatknp
- [blog] Add blog post about support for Next.js App Router (#37929) @samuelsycamore
- [blog] Blog MUI X pro statement removed (#38015) @prakhargupta1
- [blog] Add Toolpad beta announcement blog (#37799) @prakhargupta1
- [core] Increase space available for sidenav @oliviertassinari
- [core] Adds
prop toOverrideProps
type (#35924) @sai6855 - [core] Fix rsc build step in CI (#38019) @mj12albert
- [core] Remove nx dependency (#37964) @Janpot
- [core] Lock
to v18 (#37965) @ZeeshanTamboli - [core] Update priority support issue template and prompt (#37824) @DanailH
- [core] Remove warnings in docs:api (#37858) @alexfauquette
- [core] Make rimraf work after a major update (#37930) @michaldudak
- [docs-infra] Change the Diamond Sponsor block positioning on the side nav (#37933) @danilo-leal
- [docs-infra] Support backticks in the codeblocks (#37950) @cherniavskii
- [docs-infra] Improve performance hideToolbar: true (#37969) @oliviertassinari
- [docs-infra] Fix button label on mobile (#37997) @oliviertassinari
- [docs-infra] Square drawer corners (#37970) @oliviertassinari
- [docs-infra] Improve tab contrast in codeblock (#38000) @oliviertassinari
- [docs-infra] Fix API generation for Base UI (#37941) @oliviertassinari
- [docs-infra] Fix layout shift on xGrid (#37954) @oliviertassinari
- [docs-infra] Update installation commands to use the new tabs code component (#37927) @danilo-leal
- [docs-infra] Improve disableToc={true} support (#37931) @oliviertassinari
- [docs-infra] Remove icons and tweak the design of the side nav (#37860) @danilo-leal
- [docs-infra] Fix TypeScript error in demo export (#37830) @oliviertassinari
- [notifications] Add notification for first Charts release (#37679) @joserodolfofreitas
- [website] Add Base UI marketing page (#36622) @siriwatknp
- [website] Update MUI X landing page (#37966) @cherniavskii
- [website] Fix a11y issues (#37999) @oliviertassinari
- [website] Make the Core page refer to group of products (#37608) @danilo-leal
- [website] Add perpetual option to pricing page (#35504) @joserodolfofreitas
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @alexfauquette, @brijeshb42, @cherniavskii, @DanailH, @danilo-leal, @DiegoAndai, @divyammadhok, @ericbrian, @Janpot, @joserodolfofreitas, @Methuselah96, @michaldudak, @mj12albert, @mnajdova, @officialrajdeepsingh, @oliviertassinari, @OmPr366, @OndrejHj04, @prakhargupta1, @sai6855, @samuelsycamore, @siriwatknp, @zanivan, @ZeeshanTamboli