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Quality assurance analyses of fMRI data collected while participants watched The Grand Budapest Hotel by Wes Anderson.


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An fMRI dataset in response to "The Grand Budapest Hotel", a socially-rich, naturalistic movie

This repository contains quality-assurance scripts for an fMRI dataset collected while 25 participants watched The Grand Budapest Hotel by Wes Anderson. The associated manuscript An fMRI dataset in response to "The Grand Budapest Hotel", a socially-rich, naturalistic movie by Matteo Visconti di Oleggio Castello, Vassiki Chauhan, Guo Jiahui, & M. Ida Gobbini is available as a preprint here.

The dataset is available on OpenNeuro: See below for information on how to install the dataset. If you use the dataset, please cite the corresponding paper:

Visconti di Oleggio Castello, M., Chauhan, V., Jiahui, G., & Gobbini, M. I. An fMRI dataset in response to “The Grand Budapest Hotel”, a socially-rich, naturalistic movie. Sci Data 7, 383 (2020).

This repository and associated code can be cited as follows:

Visconti di Oleggio Castello, M., Chauhan, V., Jiahui, G., & Gobbini, M. I. (2020). mvdoc/budapest-fmri-data. Zenodo.

Cloning this repository and downloading the dataset

To clone this repository, run

$ git clone

The OpenNeuro dataset is included in this repository as a git submodule, and it can be downloaded with DataLad (see also the next section). Once you have cloned the repository, obtaining the data is as simple as

$ cd budapest-fmri-data
$ datalad install data
# If for example you want to download the data from one subject, you can run
$ datalad get data/sub-sid000005
# Alternatively, to get all the data, you can run
$ datalad get data

The dataset can also be installed from DataLad to a different location by running

$ datalad install ///labs/gobbini/budapest/openneuro

Or it can be downloaded from the OpenNeuro's website, dataset ds003017.

Please refer to the DataLad handbook to learn how to use DataLad.

Setting up a python environment

We provide a conda environment file to set up an appropriate python environment for the preprocessing scripts. This environment has been tested on Linux and Mac OS X, however there's a chance it might not work on your system. Please feel free to open an issue here and we'll try to help.

Assuming you have already installed anaconda or miniconda on your system, you can set up a new conda environment with requirements as follows (note that it can take a while):

$ conda env create -f conda-environment.yml --name budapest

Once all packages have been installed, you should activate the environment and install an additional python package that we provide which contains additional helper functions:

$ conda activate budapest
$ pip install ./code

Presentation, preprocessing, and quality assurance scripts

In this repository we provide the scripts used to generate and preprocess the stimuli, to present the stimuli in the scanner, to preprocess the fMRI data, and to run quality assurance analyses. These scripts can be found in the scripts directory. In particular,

Below we describe the content of these directories and their role in the analyses.

Stimulus preprocessing

The movie was extracted from a DVD and converted into mkv (libmkv format using HandBrake. Unfortunately, this process was not scripted. The DVD had UPC code 024543897385. We provide additional metadata associated with the converted movie file to make sure that future conversions would match our stimuli as best as possible. The information is available in scripts/preprocessing-stimulus/movie-file-info.txt. The total duration of the movie was 01:39:55.17. The video and audio were encoded with the following codecs:

Stream #0:0(eng): Video: h264 (High), yuv420p(tv, smpte170m/smpte170m/bt709, progressive), 720x480 [SAR 32:27 DAR 16:9], SAR 186:157 DAR 279:157, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 1k tbn, 60 tbc (default)
Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 160 kb/s (default)
Stream #0:2(eng): Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), fltp, 384 kb/s

Once the movie was extracted and converted, it was split into different parts for a behavioral session and five imaging runs. The times for the behavioral session are available in scripts/preprocessing-stimulus/splits_behav.txt. These first ~45 minutes of the movie were shown outside the scanner, right before the imaging session. The times of the five additional splits of the second part of the movie are available in scripts/preprocessing-stimulus/splits.txt. Each row indicates a pair of start/end times for each split.

We also provide the scripts used to generate these splits, which used ffmpeg. While the movies were converted, the audio was also postprocessed and passed through an audio compressor to reduce the dynamic range and make dialogues more audible in the scanner. These scripts are scripts/preprocessing-stimulus/ and scripts/preprocessing-stimulus/, for the behavioral and imaging sessions respectively. They produce six files named budapest_part[1-6].mp4 that were used for the experiment.

During the first anatomical scan, subjects were shown the last five minutes of budapest_part1.mp4 so that they could select an appropriate volume for the remaining five functional scans. The clip showed during the anatomical scan is generated by the script scripts/preprocessing-stimulus/ This script generates a file named budapest_soundcheck.mp4.

Presentation scripts

For the behavioral session outside the scanner, subjects were shown budapest_part1.mp4 (generated as described above) using VLC and high-quality headphones. Subjects could adjust the volume as much as they liked, and no instructions were given.

All presentation scripts used PsychoPy. Unfortunately, we are unable to access the computer used for presentation, so we cannot provide the specific version used in our experiment. Any recent version of PsychoPy should be able to run the presentation code. Feel free to open an issue on this repository if you encounter problems.

All presentation scripts assume that the stimuli are placed in a subdirectory named stim.

During the anatomical scan, subjects were shown the last five minutes of the part they saw outside the scanner. This was done so that subjects could select an appropriate volume. The presentation script used for this run is scripts/presentation/ The subject can decrease/increase the volume using the buttons 1 and 2 respectively. Once the script has run, it saves the volume level in a json file called subjectvolume.json. This is an example of such file

 "sid000020": 1.0,
 "sid000021": 0.5,
 "sid000009": 0.75,

The presentation script used for the functional imaging runs is scripts/presentation/ Some (limited) config values can be defined in the config json file scripts/presentation/config.json. Once the presentation script is loaded, it shows a dialog box to select the subject id and the run number. The volume is automatically selected by loading the volume information stored in subjectvolume.json. Log files are stored in a subdirectory named res. It's possible to stop the experiment at any point using CTRL + q. In that case, the logs are flushed, saved, and moved to a file with suffix __halted.txt.

The logs save detailed timing information (perhaps eccessive) about each frame. By default, useful information for extracting event files is logged with a BIDS log level. Thus, one can easily generate a detailed events file by grepping BIDS. For example

$ grep BIDS sub-test_task-movie_run-1_20200916T114100.txt | awk '{for (i=3; i<NF; i++) printf $i"\t";print $NF}' | head -20
onset	duration	frameidx	videotime	lasttrigger
10.008	{duration:.3f}	1	0.000	9.000
10.009	{duration:.3f}	2	0.000	10.008
10.011	{duration:.3f}	3	0.000	10.008
10.013	{duration:.3f}	4	0.000	10.008
10.015	{duration:.3f}	5	0.000	10.008
10.019	{duration:.3f}	6	0.000	10.008
10.021	{duration:.3f}	7	0.000	10.008
10.032	{duration:.3f}	8	0.000	10.008
10.045	{duration:.3f}	9	0.000	10.008
10.059	{duration:.3f}	10	0.033	10.008
10.072	{duration:.3f}	11	0.033	10.008
10.085	{duration:.3f}	12	0.033	10.008
10.099	{duration:.3f}	13	0.067	10.008
10.112	{duration:.3f}	14	0.067	10.008
10.125	{duration:.3f}	15	0.100	10.008
10.139	{duration:.3f}	16	0.100	10.008
10.152	{duration:.3f}	17	0.100	10.008
10.165	{duration:.3f}	18	0.133	10.008
10.179	{duration:.3f}	19	0.133	10.008

The available columns are onset (frame onset); duration (containing a python format string so that duration information can be added with a trivial parser); frameidx (index of the frame shown); videotime (time of the video); lasttrigger (time of the last received trigger).

We provide a simplified events file with the published BIDS dataset. These events file were generated in the notebook notebooks/2020-06-08_make-event-files.ipynb.

fMRI preprocessing with fMRIprep

The dataset was preprocessed using fMRIprep (version 20.1.1) in a singularity container. To obtain the container, run the following line (assuming you have singularity installed):

VERSION="20.1.1"; singularity build fmriprep-"$VERSION".simg docker://poldracklab/fmriprep:"$VERSION"

In scripts/preprocessing-fmri we provide the scripts that were used to run fMRIprep on the Dartmouth HPC cluster (Discovery). Please consider those scripts as an example, and refer to the documentation of fMRIprep for more details on preprocessing.

Quality assurance scripts

We performed QA analyses looking at subject's motion, temporal SNR (tSNR), inter-subject correlation (ISC), and time-segment classification after hyperalignment. Please refer to the manuscript for more details.

The script scripts/quality-assurance/ and notebook notebooks/2020-07-07_compute-outliers-and-median-motion.ipynb were used to inspect subject's motion across subjects and to compute additional metrics.

The scripts scripts/quality-assurance/ and scripts/quality-assurance/ were used to estimate tSNR in the subject's native space (volume) and in fsaverage. The scripts load the fMRIprep-processed data and perform denoising (as described in the manuscript and implemented in budapestcode.utils.clean_data) prior to computing tSNR. The tSNR values in volumetric space are plotted in a violin plot across subjects in notebooks/2020-04-04_plot-tsnr-group.ipynb. The script scripts/quality-assurance/ plots the median tSNR across subjects on fsaverage using pycortex.

The script scripts/quality-assurance/ computes inter-subject correlation on data projected to fsaverage, after denoising the data as described in the manuscript. The median ISC across subjects is plotted with pycortex in scripts/quality-assurance/

The data was hyperaligned with PyMVPA using the script scripts/hyperalignment-and-decoding/ and time-segment classification across subjects was performed using the script scripts/hyperalignment-and-decoding/ Please refer to the manuscript for more details on these analyses.


This work was supported by the NSF grant #1835200 to M. Ida Gobbini. We would like to thank Jim Haxby, Yaroslav Halchenko, Sam Nastase, and the members of the Gobbini and Haxby lab for helpful discussions during the development of this project.