- stdout
- Http(s) Webhooks
- datadog (dogstatsd)
- sqlite
- mqtt
$ cat <<EOF >config.toml
sleep_interval = 2 # defaults to 1
logging_level = DEBUG # defaults to INFO
logfile = /var/log/foo.log # defaults to stdout
# stdout example
# Generic application/json example
enabled = true
device_uuids = "61020304620663030064086507660367=puck"
method = "POST"
url = "http://www.foo.com"
headers = "{\"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"}"
template = "{\"color\": \"{{ .Nickname }}\", \"gravity\": {{ .Minor }}, \"mac\": \"{{ .Mac }}\", \"temp\": {{ .Major }}, \"timestamp\": \"{{ .Timestamp }}\"}"
# Note: make sure that the dd agent has DD_DOGSTATSD_NON_LOCAL_TRAFFIC=true
enabled = true
statsd_host = "statsdhost.corp.com"
statsd_port = 8125
tags = "color:{{.Nickname}},mac:{{.Mac}}"
gauges = "bluey.temperature={{.Major}},bluey.gravity={{.Minor}}"
enabled = true
device_uuids = "1234=foo,61020304620663030064086507660367=puck,5678=bar"
file = "/home/myoung/repos/github/bluey/bluey.db"
enabled = true
device_uuids = "1234=foo,61020304620663030064086507660367=puck,5678=bar"
url = "tcp://mosquitto.service.kube:1883"
client_id = "foo"
username = "wut"
topic = "bar"
template = "{\"color\": \"{{ .Nickname }}\", \"gravity\": {{ .Minor }}, \"mac\": \"{{ .Mac }}\", \"temp\": {{ .Major }}, \"timestamp\": \"{{ .Timestamp }}\"}"
Grab the right arch for you from releases, extract to somewhere in PATH
$ bluey -c /etc/bluey/config.toml
$ # Or from docker ( generate config into $cwd/config/config.toml )
$ docker run -it \
-v $(pwd)/config:/etc/bluey \
--privileged \
--net=host \
myoung34/bluey:latest \
-c /etc/bluey/config.toml