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mzbat edited this page Jan 10, 2018 · 6 revisions
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Welcome to the iac_workshop wiki!

This wiki contains information for participants in our upcoming Codemash workshop Infrastructure as Code: Automate all the Things!

Enjoy these awesome slides!

Quick Start Workshop Preparation (recommended)

Most participants can just do the quick start. We will set up an "airlock" host that you can log in easily and focus on the labs.

Click here for the Quick Start steps (recommended)

Workshop Preparation Tasks

We are providing these steps in case you want to set up the full environment on your own. These steps will work best on a Linux or Mac environment.

If you have trouble or find a bug you can click here to open an issue

  1. Set up your environment
  2. Set up your SSH keys
  3. Set up your AWS credentials
  4. Initialize Terraform


These setup steps are for reference & not necessary to participate in the workshop.

  1. Set up your Digital Ocean credentials in the event you want to run your own puppet server.
  2. Set up your Google Cloud Platform