This React component will allow you to render photos of potentially varying heights in a column-based layout.
npm install --save react-column-layout
A dynamic number of columns designed to fit the screen. Media queries and breakpoints not needed!
- Images automatically and intelligently resize as screen size adjusts.
- Customizable margins and gutters (space between images).
- Specifiable minimum and maximum image widths.
Try resizing the page
const photos = [
thumbnailSrc: "",
thumbnailWidth: 400,
thumbnailHeight: 1000
thumbnailSrc: "",
thumbnailWidth: 400,
thumbnailHeight: 200
thumbnailSrc: "",
thumbnailWidth: 400,
thumbnailHeight: 200
class Demo extends Component {
render() {
return <ColumnLayout columnMinWidth={300} margin={15} gutter={2} photos={photos} />;