problem with local rabbitmq not sending USER_JOINED and oother actions
probleme cu dependintele
Host(s) (Load balanced) User & Vhost dhkruxqt Password oUwLJACFqSKb1Y8ylzjJoBwHmOfYypkA AMQP URL amqp://dhkruxqt:[email protected]/dhkruxqt morning-savannah-69089
1: mvn package 2: heroku deploy:jar -j target/startup-websocket-client-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -i Procfile --app morning-savannah-69089 3: heroku logs --app morning-savannah-69089 --tail
curl --include
--header "Connection: Upgrade"
--header "Upgrade: websocket"
--header "Host:"
--header "Origin:"
--header "Sec-WebSocket-Key: SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ=="
--header "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13"
on connection:
i:inboundChatService a new session id is generated o:ouboundChatService a new session id is generated
i and o are bound by a query parameter ?user={user}
but they are running on different threads and endpoints:
i = /app/ o = /topic/
Every time a user connect a UserEvent is created then the connection is verified; validateUserFromInboundSocketConnection(); if the user (?user={user}) is the same from i to one from the o then all UserEvents are passed is not efficient because if a user connects multiple times with the same username then the events are sent duplicated times depending on the number of connected users
If we remove the validateUserFromInboundSocketConnection(); then the messages are sent duplicated depending on connected users;
binders: local_rabbit: type: rabbit environment: spring: rabbitmq: host: port: 5672 username: password: virtual-host: /
RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, etc) for the actual broadcasting of messages. In that case Spring maintains TCP connections to the broker, relays messages to it, and also passes messages from it down to connected WebSocket clients.
Has Webflux websockets, to channels inbound to send and outbound to receive
Inbound receives the ws message and makes the necessary events inside, saves the user client to redis, sends to the broker RabbitMQ the message
Outbound receives the message from the RabbitMQ and then makes the necessary events inside read from redis filter the messages if private sends to the outbound channel
RABBITMQ: http://localhost:15673/#/ user pass: user: user pass: bitnami