The Phalcon Debug Widget is designed to make development easier by displaying debugging information directly in your browser window. Currently it displays php globals such as $_SESSION as well as outputing resource usage and database queries and connection information. It includes syntax highlighting via
If it looks familiar, its because its modeled after the Yii debug toolbar
Copy the main PDW folder into your project where you keep third-party libraries. For example (app/library or app/vendor or /vendor). Copy or move the pdw-assets folder to your public folder.
Define a debug or environment flag in your main index.php file so you can easily disable the Phalcon Debug Widget on production environments. Example:
defined('PHALCONDEBUG') || define('PHALCONDEBUG', true);
After you have setup your \Phalcon\Loader and \Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault() create a new instance of the debug widget. Here we will tell phalcon about the PDW namespace and instantiate the widget with the $di. (Assuming $di is your dependency injector and $loader is your \Phalcon\Loader)
if (PHALCONDEBUG == true) {
$namespaces = array_merge($loader->getNamespaces(), array('PDW'=>realpath('/path/to/PDW')));
$debugWidget = new \PDW\DebugWidget($di);
Bug Icon designed by Nithin Viswanathan from the Noun Project
JQuery Syntax Highlighting implemented with