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day11.clj: 7x faster
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narimiran committed Dec 13, 2023
1 parent 686acef commit 49082d2
Showing 1 changed file with 41 additions and 25 deletions.
66 changes: 41 additions & 25 deletions clojure/day11.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,39 +5,55 @@
(def ^:const multi (dec 1000000))

(defn find-galaxies [lines]
(for [[y line] (map-indexed vector lines)
[x chr] (map-indexed vector line)
:when (= chr \#)]
[x y]))

(defn empty-lines [lines]
(fn [[i line]]
(when (every? #(= % \.) line) i))
(map-indexed vector lines)))

(defn expand [universe]
(let [empty-rows (empty-lines universe)
empty-cols (empty-lines (aoc/transpose universe))]
(for [[^long y line] (map-indexed vector universe)
[^long x chr] (map-indexed vector line)
:when (= chr \#)
:let [move-right (aoc/count-if #(< ^long % x) empty-cols)
move-down (aoc/count-if #(< ^long % y) empty-rows)]]
[[(+ x move-right)
(+ y move-down)]
[(+ x (* multi move-right))
(+ y (* multi move-down))]])))

(defn distances [coords]
(for [[^long x1 ^long y1] coords
[^long x2 ^long y2] coords
:while (not (and (= x1 x2) (= y1 y2)))]
(+ (- x1 x2) (abs (- y1 y2)))))

(defn calc-dist [galaxies]
(->> galaxies
(reduce (fn [{:keys [coeff] :as acc} coord]
(-> acc
(update :sum + (* coeff coord))
(update :coeff + 2)))
{:sum 0
:coeff (- 1 (count galaxies))})

(defn expansion [galaxies empties]
(let [total (count galaxies)]
(fn [acc coord]
(let [before (count (take-while #(< % coord) galaxies))
after (- total before)]
(+ acc (* before after))))

(defn solve [input-file]
(let [universe (->> (aoc/read-input input-file)
p1-galaxies (map first universe)
p2-galaxies (map second universe)]
[(reduce + (distances p1-galaxies))
(reduce + (distances p2-galaxies))]))
(let [lines (aoc/read-input input-file)
galaxies (find-galaxies lines)
galaxies-x (sort (map first galaxies))
galaxies-y (sort (map second galaxies))
empty-rows (empty-lines lines)
empty-cols (empty-lines (aoc/transpose lines))
distances (+ (calc-dist galaxies-x)
(calc-dist galaxies-y))
expansions (+ (expansion galaxies-x empty-cols)
(expansion galaxies-y empty-rows))]
[(+ distances expansions)
(+ distances (* multi expansions))]))

(solve 11)

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