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day 9
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narimiran committed Dec 10, 2024
1 parent 2e62a6e commit 0c4fea5
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257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions clojure/day09.clj
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@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
^{:nextjournal.clerk/visibility {:code :hide :result :hide}}
(ns day09
{:nextjournal.clerk/auto-expand-results? true
:nextjournal.clerk/toc :collapsed}

;; # Day 9: Disk Fragmenter
;; Computer problems. Again.
;; This time it is with a hard drive, not having enough of contiguous space.
;; Currently the disk map looks like this:
(def example "2333133121414131402")

;; ## Input parsing
;; > The disk map uses a dense format to represent the layout of files and
;; > free space on the disk.
;; > The digits alternate between indicating the length of a file and the
;; > length of free space.
;; So we need to "convert" the disk map into a representation with files
;; and free space.\
;; We'll go digit by digit and "unzip" it based on the rules we're given:
(defn parse-data [input]
(let [digits (aoc/parse-line input :digits)]
(loop [[hd & tl] digits
id 0
file? true
disk []]
(nil? hd) disk
file? (recur tl (inc id) false (into disk (repeat hd id)))
:else (recur tl id true (into disk (repeat hd nil)))))))

(def example-data (parse-data example))
(def data (parse-data (aoc/read-input 9)))

;; ## Part 1
;; Our task is to:
;; > move file blocks one at a time from the end of the disk to the leftmost
;; > free space block
;; We need two "pointers", one starting at the front of the disk
;; (front index, `fi`) and one starting at the back (back index, `bi`).\
;; If there's a file at the front index, we add it to the result.
;; Otherwise, it is an empty space and we add a file which is at the back index
;; (unless that's not an empty space too).
;; We recursively do that, until the front index "overtakes" the back index.
(defn defragment [disk]
(loop [fi 0
bi (dec (count disk))
res []]
(> fi bi) res
(disk fi) (recur (inc fi) bi (conj res (disk fi)))
(disk bi) (recur (inc fi) (dec bi) (conj res (disk bi)))
:else (recur fi (dec bi) res))))

;; After we do the (de)fragmentation, we need to calculate the filesystem
;; checksum:
;; > To calculate the checksum, add up the result of multiplying each of
;; > these blocks' position with the file ID number it contains.
;; One useful trick is to use the [`reduce-kv` function](,
;; even though we're not having a hashmap, but a vector.
;; This way we automatically extract the index of each element:
(defn calc-checksum [disk]
(fn [acc idx id]
(+ acc (* idx id)))

;; Putting it all together, we need to (de)fragment the data and then
;; calculate its checksum:
(defn part-1 [data]
(-> data

(part-1 example-data)
(part-1 data)

;; ## Part 2
;; We have a different task now:
;; > rather than move individual blocks, he'd like to try compacting
;; > the files on his disk by moving whole files instead.
;; The disk representation we've used for Part 1 won't be suitable for this.
;; We need to move whole files, which means we need to know not only
;; the (starting) index and the file ID, but also a size of each file.
;; And for empty spaces we also need to know the contiguous space available.
;; We can divide our disk into blocks of same data (either a file or a space)
;; with the [`partition-by` function](,
;; and then for each block we can calculate its starting index and its size.
(partition-by identity example-data)

;; Since we need to keep the blocks in the sorted order, we'll not use a
;; regular hashmap, but a [`sorted-map`](
(defn block-sizes [disk]
(let [blocks (partition-by identity disk)]
(fn [{:keys [idx] :as acc} block]
(let [id (first block)
size (count block)]
(if id
(-> acc
(assoc-in [:files idx] [id size])
(update :idx + size))
(-> acc
(assoc-in [:spaces idx] size)
(update :idx + size)))))
{:files (sorted-map)
:spaces (sorted-map)
:idx 0}

;; This creates two sorted maps we're interested in, one with files and one
;; with spaces.
;; The format for each element is `{index [file-id size]}` for files, and
;; `{index size}` for spaces.
(block-sizes example-data)

;; Before we start moving files, we need a way to find a suitable space for a
;; file to move.
;; Files are always moving to the front, so a suitable space is one with
;; a lower index than the index of a file and with enough space to fit
;; a whole file:
(defn find-space [spaces file-idx file-size]
(->> spaces
(take-while (fn [[space-idx _]] (< space-idx file-idx)))
(aoc/find-first (fn [[_ space-size]] (>= space-size file-size)))))

;; The rules say:
;; > Attempt to move each file exactly once in order of decreasing
;; > file ID number starting with the file with the highest file ID number.
;; We will iterate through the file list in the reverse order (`rseq`).
;; For each file we'll try to find if there is a suitable space in front of
;; it to put it there.\
;; If the free space is the same as the file size, we put the file there
;; and just remove that space.
;; But if the space is larger than the file size, we need to "update" the
;; space: move it after the file we just added and reduce the size of
;; available space.\
;; If there's not enough space to move a file, we leave it where it is and
;; move to the next (well, previous) file:
(defn defragment-2 [disk]
(let [{:keys [files spaces]} (block-sizes disk)]
(loop [[[idx [id size]] & tl] (rseq files)
files files
spaces spaces]
(if (nil? idx)
(if-let [[space-idx space-size] (find-space spaces idx size)]
(let [spaces' (cond-> (dissoc spaces space-idx)
(> space-size size) (assoc (+ space-idx size)
(- space-size size)))
files' (-> files
(dissoc idx)
(assoc space-idx [id size]))]
(recur tl files' spaces'))
(recur tl files spaces))))))

;; Our new disk representation needs a new function to calculate the
;; checksum.
;; Since each file is represented as `{index [file-id size]}`, we need to
;; "unpack" it and calculate the checksum for each file block inside the file:
(defn calc-checksum-2 [disk]
(fn [acc idx [id size]]
(reduce (fn [acc i]
(+ acc (* id (+ idx i))))
(range size)))

;; Part 2 is analogous to Part 1, we just use new functions for defragmentation
;; and calculating the checksum:
(defn part-2 [data]
(-> data

(part-2 example-data)
(part-2 data)

;; ## Conclusion
;; Today's Part 2 was the hardest task for me this year so far.
;; It took me a very long time until I found a suitable data structure to
;; represent the disk which will allow for easy updates as we move
;; the files around.
;; Today's highlights:
;; - `partition-by`: split a collection, based on a function
;; - `reduce-kv`: use on vectors to have indexes
;; - `sorted-map`: a hashmap with sorted keys

^{:nextjournal.clerk/visibility {:code :hide :result :hide}}
(defn -main [input]
(let [data (parse-data input)]
((juxt part-1 part-2) data)))
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion clojure/tests/solutions_tests.clj
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(ns solutions-tests
day01 day02 day03 day04 day05
day06 day07 day08 ;day09 day10
day06 day07 day08 day09 ;day10
;; day11 day12 day13 day14 day15
;; day16 day17 day18 day19 day20
;; day21 day22 day23 day24 day25
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
(check-day 6 [41 6] [5131 1784])
(check-day 7 [3749 11387] [1985268524462 150077710195188])
(check-day 8 [14 34] [259 927])
(check-day 9 [1928 2858] [6279058075753 6301361958738])

(let [summary (run-tests)]
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Take a look:
* [AoC 2021 in Python, Racket](
* [AoC 2022 in Python, Clojure](
* [AoC 2023 in Clojure](
* [AoC 2024 in Clojure (Clerk notebooks)](
* [AoC 2024 in Clojure (Clerk notebooks)]( (this is a link to the repo)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,4 +61,5 @@ Task | Notebook | Comment
[Day 6: Guard Gallivant]( | [day06.clj](clojure/day06) | The guard is always right!
[Day 7: Bridge Repair]( | [day07.clj](clojure/day07) | Elephants ate my homework!
[Day 8: Resonant Collinearity]( | [day08.clj](clojure/day08) | Hard to understand, easy to solve.
[Day 9: Disk Fragmenter]( | [day09.clj](clojure/day09) | Pt.2 was the hardest task so far.


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