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day 12
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narimiran committed Dec 12, 2024
1 parent e9e01fe commit be86373
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Showing 6 changed files with 410 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion clojure/aoc.clj
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Expand Up @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
(or (nil? current)
(>= steps steps-limit)
(end-cond current)) {:steps steps
:seen (keys seen)
:seen (set (keys seen))
:count (count seen)
:path (build-path current seen)
:current current}
Expand Down
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions clojure/day12.clj
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@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
^{:nextjournal.clerk/visibility {:code :hide :result :hide}}
(ns day12
{:nextjournal.clerk/auto-expand-results? true
:nextjournal.clerk/toc :collapsed}
(:require aoc))

;; # Day 12: Garden Groups
;; Today we're on a farm with many regions consisting of garden plots
;; that look like this:
(def example "RRRRIICCFF

;; Each region has plots with the same type of plant (the same letter).

;; ## Input parsing
;; It's a 2D grid once again.
;; It's `aoc->grid->point-map` time once again.
(defn parse-data [input]
(-> input

(def example-grid (parse-data example))
(def grid (parse-data (aoc/read-input 12)))

;; ## Creating regions
;; How to create a region?
;; Pick a point and visit all connected plots (vertically and horizontally)
;; that have the same type of plant.
;; A perfect job for my graph-traversal helper.
;; All we need to specify is a starting point and a condition for a valid
;; neighbouring point.
;; After there's no more places to visit, we return all points we've `:seen`:
(defn traverse [grid start plant]
(-> (aoc/bfs {:start start
:nb-cond #(= plant (grid %))})

;; As an example, for the top-most point of the example, we would get this region:
(traverse example-grid [0 0] \R)

;; Now we have to repeat this for all the points in the grid.
;; We will run the above function on every point we've not visited so far.
;; We keep track of all regions we discover:
(defn create-regions [grid]
(loop [unvisited grid
regions []]
(if-let [[pt plant] (first unvisited)]
(let [region (traverse grid pt plant)]
(recur (reduce dissoc unvisited region)
(conj regions region)))

;; Let's just check if we're getting the expected 11 regions for the example:
(count (create-regions example-grid))

;; ## Part 1
;; > Due to "modern" business practices, the price of fence required for
;; > a region is found by multiplying that region's **area** by its **perimeter**.
;; The area is just a number of plots in the region, and the perimeter is:
;; > the number of sides of garden plots in the region that do not touch
;; > another garden plot in the same region.
;; To calculate a perimeter around a point, it is enough to find how many of
;; its four neighbours don't belong to the same region.
(defn perimeter [region pt]
(count (aoc/neighbours 4 pt (complement region))))

(defn fence-price [region]
(* (count region)
(aoc/sum-map #(perimeter region %) region)))

;; Let's check if we're getting the correct price of `216` for the region
;; starting at the top-left corner of the example:
(-> example-grid
(traverse [0 0] \R)

;; Everything looks fine.
;; We need to calculate the total price of all fences around all regions:
(defn part-1 [grid]
(let [regions (create-regions grid)]
(aoc/sum-map fence-price regions)))

(part-1 example-grid)
(part-1 grid)

;; ## Counting sides
;; > Under the bulk discount, instead of using the perimeter to calculate
;; > the price, you need to use the **number of sides** each region has.
;; > Each straight section of fence counts as a side, regardless of how long it is.
;; My initial idea was to stand next to a fence, and then walk parallel to it
;; with my right hand always perpendicular to the fence.
;; - While I'm walking straight, I'm on a single side.
;; - When I have to make a turn, this means there is an another side.
;; Walk around a region and count how many turns there were.
;; But I abandoned that idea when I wasn't sure if I'll be able to walk on
;; the inside of hollow shapes.
;; And it looked complex to implement.
;; After few hours, I realized I don't have to walk around a region.
;; It is enough to check each garden plot if it is a corner and how many turns
;; do we make at that corner.
;; One turn = one side.
;; Consider the following examples:
;; ```
;; ...... A######B ........ .....
;; .A##B. #E####F# .A##B... ..#..
;; .####. ##....## .###I#J. .#K#.
;; .C##D. #G####H# .C##D... ..#..
;; ...... C######D ........ .....
;; ```
;; In the first example we have four _outside_ corners (A, B, C, D) and that
;; means we have four sides in total.\
;; The shape in the second example is hollow, and there are also four _inner_
;; corners (E, F, G, H), which brings total sides to 8.\
;; In the third example we have two corners which have two turns each.
;; Corner `J` is a `B + D` combination (it is both top-right and bottom-right
;; _outside_ corner), and corner `I` is `E + G` combination
;; (both top-left and bottom-left _inside_ corner).
;; Total amount of turns is 8.\
;; The `K` point in the fourth example is a combination of all four inner
;; corners!
;; And each of the outside corners is a combination of two outer corners,
;; bringing the total to 12.

;; ## Part 2
;; For every garden plot in a region we will check how many corner types
;; (from `A` to `H`) it satisfies.
;; This can be a number from zero (not a corner) to four (a single-plot region
;; or the `K` point from the fourth example above).
;; WARNING: What you're about to see is some ugly code with some ugly variable
;; names.\
;; I didn't want to type 20 times `(region [(inc x) (dec y)])` and similar,
;; so I shortened it to `r+-`. (If the coordinate stays the same, it is
;; denoted by `=`.)
(defn turns [region [x y]]
(let [x+ (inc x) , x- (dec x) , y+ (inc y) , y- (dec y)
[r-= r+= r=- r=+] (mapv region [[x- y] [x+ y] [x y-] [x y+]])
[r-- r-+ r+- r++] (mapv region [[x- y-] [x- y+] [x+ y-] [x+ y+]])]
(aoc/count-if identity
[(and (not r-=) (not r=-)) ; A
(and (not r+=) (not r=-)) ; B
(and (not r-=) (not r=+)) ; C
(and (not r+=) (not r=+)) ; D
(and r+= r=+ (not r++)) ; E
(and r-= r=+ (not r-+)) ; F
(and r+= r=- (not r+-)) ; G
(and r-= r=- (not r--))]))) ; H

;; To get total number of sides of a region, we need to sum up all turns
;; from all garden plots in a region.
;; The discount price of a region is that number times the region area:
(defn discount-price [region]
(* (count region)
(aoc/sum-map #(turns region %) region)))

;; All it is left to do is to add all discount prices of all regions
;; and we're done:
(defn part-2 [grid]
(let [regions (create-regions grid)]
(aoc/sum-map discount-price regions)))

(part-2 example-grid)
(part-2 grid)

;; ## Conclusion
;; Oh my.\
;; In the end, it wasn't _that_ hard, but it took me some time to come up
;; with a solution that doesn't involve walking around each region.
;; (And then some more time to fix lots of small bugs in the `turns` function.)
;; No new functions to highlight today.

^{:nextjournal.clerk/visibility {:code :hide :result :hide}}
(defn -main [input]
(let [regions (create-regions (parse-data input))]
[(aoc/sum-map fence-price regions)
(aoc/sum-map discount-price regions)]))
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion clojure/tests/solutions_tests.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
day01 day02 day03 day04 day05
day06 day07 day08 day09 day10
day11 ;day12 day13 day14 day15
day11 day12 ;day13 day14 day15
;; day16 day17 day18 day19 day20
;; day21 day22 day23 day24 day25
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is run-tests successful?]]))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
(check-day 9 [1928 2858] [6279058075753 6301361958738])
(check-day 10 [36 81] [820 1786])
(check-day 11 [55312 65601038650482] [183435 218279375708592])
(check-day 12 [1930 1206] [1464678 877492])

(let [summary (run-tests)]
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,4 +64,5 @@ Task | Notebook | Comment
[Day 9: Disk Fragmenter]( | [day09.clj](clojure/day09) | Pt.2 was the hardest task so far.
[Day 10: Hoof It]( | [day10.clj](clojure/day10) | Finally some pathfinding!
[Day 11: Plutonian Pebbles]( | [day11.clj](clojure/day11) | Episode VI: Return of the Lanternfish
[Day 12: Garden Groups]( | [day12.clj](clojure/day12) | Turns = sides.


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