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mdaigle committed Aug 18, 2016
1 parent c73b57a commit 42b47a9
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Showing 16 changed files with 1,776 additions and 0 deletions.
113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions MATLAB/+Observers/ExtendedKalmanFilter.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
classdef ExtendedKalmanFilter < Observers.Observer
% ExtendedKalmanFilter Class implementing the extended Kalman filter
% algorithm
% This class implements the extended Kalman filter algorithm. It accepts a
% model of the explicit discrete time-invariant form:
% x(k+1) = stateEqn(x(k),u(k),dt) + N(0,Q)
% y(k) = outputEqn(x(k),u(k)) = N(0,R)
% where N is the standard normal distribution with zero mean and covariance
% Q or R. This class implements the Observer interface.
% The state and output Jacobian matrices must also be provided. These are
% functions, both taking as input x and u.
% ExtendedKalmanFilter Methods:
% initialize(EKF,t0,x0,u0) - Initialize filter given initial time, state,
% and inputs
% estimate(EKF,t,u,z) - Update the state and outpute estimates given new
% input and output data.
% getStateEstimate(EKF) - Return a state estimate structure with mean and
% covariance.
% See also Observers.Observer, Observers.KalmanFilter,
% Observers.UnscentedKalmanFilter
% Copyright (c) 2016 United States Government as represented by the
% Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
% No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.
% Code. All Other Rights Reserved.

stateEqn % State update equation (function handle)
outputEqn % Output equation (function handle)
xjacobian % State Jacobian matrix
zjacobian % Output Jacobian matrix
x % State estimate
z % Output estimate
P % State covariance matrix estimate
Q % Process noise covariance matrix
R % Sensor noise covariance matrix


function EKF = ExtendedKalmanFilter(stateEqn,outputEqn,xjacobian,zjacobian,modelVariance,sensorVariance)
% ExtendedKalmanFilter Constructor
% Construct an EKF given the state equation, output equation,
% state Jacobian, output Jacobian, and the process and sensor
% noise covariance matrices.
EKF.stateEqn = stateEqn;
EKF.outputEqn = outputEqn;
EKF.xjacobian = xjacobian;
EKF.zjacobian = zjacobian;
EKF.Q = modelVariance;
EKF.R = sensorVariance;
EKF.P = zeros(size(modelVariance));
EKF.initialized = false;

function initialize(EKF,t0,x0,u0)
% initialize Initialize the EKF given initial time, states,
% and inputs
EKF.t = t0;
EKF.x = x0;
EKF.u = u0;
EKF.z = EKF.outputEqn(x0,u0);
EKF.initialized = true;

function estimate(EKF,t,u,z)
% estimate Update the state estimate for the current time
% given inputs and outputs

% Ensure EKF is initialized
if ~EKF.initialized
error('ExtendedKalmanFilter must be initialized first!');

deltaT = newT-EKF.t;

% Predict
Fk = EKF.xjacobian(EKF.x,EKF.u);
xkk1 = EKF.stateEqn(EKF.x,EKF.u,deltaT);
Pkk1 = Fk*EKF.P*Fk'+EKF.Q;

% Update
Hk = EKF.zjacobian(xkk1,u);
yk = z-EKF.outputEqn(xkk1,u);
Sk = Hk*Pkk1*Hk'+EKF.R;
Kk = Pkk1*Hk'/Sk;
EKF.x = xkk1+Kk*yk;
EKF.P = (eye(length(EKF.x))-Kk*Hk)*Pkk1;
EKF.z = EKF.outputEqn(EKF.x,u);

% Update time, inputs
EKF.u = u;
EKF.t = t;

function stateEstimate = getStateEstimate(EKF)
% getStateEstimate Return a structure with mean and covariance
% Returns the current state estimate as a structure with
% fields 'mean' and 'covariance'.
stateEstimate.mean = EKF.x;
stateEstimate.covariance = EKF.P;


125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions MATLAB/+Observers/KalmanFilter.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
classdef KalmanFilter < Observers.Observer
% KalmanFilter Class implementing Kalman filter algorithm.
% This class implements the Kalman filter algorithm. It maintains the
% current state and output estimates, and updates these when new data is
% provided. The system model is given in the form of the state space
% matrices A, B, C, D, and process and sensor noise covariance matrices Q
% and R:
% x(k+1) = A x(k) + B u(k) + N(0,Q)
% y(k) = C x(k) + D u(k) + N(0,R)
% where N is the standard normal distribution with zero mean and covariance
% Q or R.
% This class implements the Observer interface.
% KalmanFilter Methods:
% initialize(KF,t0,x0,u0) - Initialize filter given initial time, state,
% and inputs
% estimate(KF,t,u,z) - Update the state and outpute estimates given new
% input and output data.
% getStateEstimate(KF) - Return a state estimate structure with mean and
% covariance.
% Note that although these methods take time as an input, the state space
% matrices are time-invariant and so must be defined with respect to the
% desired sampling rate. The filter only keeps track of the current time
% given to it and does not use time in any calculations.
% See also Observers.Observer, Observers.ExtendedKalmanFilter,
% Observers.UnscentedKalmanFilter
% Copyright (c) 2016 United States Government as represented by the
% Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
% No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.
% Code. All Other Rights Reserved.

A; % State equation matrix (multiplied by x)
B; % State equation matrix (multipied by u)
C; % Output equation matrix (multiplied by x)
D; % Output equation matrix (multipied by u)
x; % State estimate
z; % Output estimate
P; % State covariance matrix estimate
Q; % Process noise covariance matrix
R; % Sensor noise covariance matrix


function KF = KalmanFilter(A,B,C,D,Q,R)
% KalmanFilter Constructor
% Construct a KalmanFilter object given state-space matrices
% A, B, C, D, Q, R.

% Set all matrices
KF.A = A;
KF.B = B;
KF.C = C;
KF.D = D;
KF.Q = Q;
KF.R = R;

% Set initialized flag
KF.initialized = false;

function initialize(KF,t0,x0,u0)
% initialize Initialize the Kalman filter
% Initialize the KalmaFilter object given initial time,
% state, and inputs.

% Intialize time, state, input, output, and state covariance
KF.t = t0;
KF.x = x0;
KF.z = KF.C*x0 + KF.D*u0;
KF.u = u0;
KF.P = KF.Q;

% Set initialized flag
KF.initialized = true;

function estimate(KF,t,u,z)
% estimate Perform an estimation step of the Kalman filter
% Given new inputs and outptus, udpate the state and output
% estimates.

% Ensure KF is initialized
if ~KF.initialized
error('KalmanFilter must be initialized first!');

% Predict state and covariance
xkk1 = KF.A*KF.x + KF.B*KF.u;
Pkk1 = KF.A*KF.P*KF.A' + KF.Q;

% Update state, outputs, and covariance
zk = z - (KF.C*KF.x + KF.D*u);
Sk = KF.C*Pkk1*KF.C' + KF.R;
Kk = Pkk1*KF.C'/Sk;
KF.x = xkk1 + Kk*zk;
KF.P = (eye(length(KF.x)) - Kk*KF.C)*Pkk1;
KF.z = KF.C*KF.x + KF.D*u;

% Update time and inputs
KF.t = t;
KF.u = u;

function stateEstimate = getStateEstimate(KF)
% getStateEstimate Return a structure with mean and covariance
% Returns the current state estimate as a structure with
% fields 'mean' and 'covariance'.

% Construct the data structure
stateEstimate.mean = KF.x;
stateEstimate.covariance = KF.P;

41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions MATLAB/+Observers/Observer.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
classdef Observer < handle
% Observer Interface class for state observer objects
% Abstract class for creating Observer objects that perform model-based
% state estimation. Subclass constructors should accept model equations
% and/or parameters.
% Observer Methods:
% initialize(obj,t0,x0,u0) - Initialize filter given initial time, state,
% and inputs
% estimate(obj,t,u,z) - Update the state and outpute estimates given new
% input and output data.
% getStateEstimate(obj) - Return a state estimate structure with mean and
% covariance.
% See also Observers.KalmanFilter, Observers.ExtendedKalmanFilter,
% Observers.ParticleFilter, Observers.UnscentedKalmanFilter
% Copyright (c) 2016 United States Government as represented by the
% Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
% No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.
% Code. All Other Rights Reserved.

t; % Last updated time
initialized; % Flag describing whether observer is initialized
u; % Input at time t

methods (Abstract)

% Given initial state and inputs, initialize observer

% Perform an estimation step given new time, inputs, and outputs

% Get state estimate


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