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F´ Style Guidelines

M Starch edited this page Oct 5, 2022 · 1 revision

Note: this document is under review and is subject to change.

This document will capture the style guide for developing F´ projects. These recommendations apply to F´ framework code. Projects developing using F´ are recommended to use these standard but are not required to do so.

Note: not all framework code currently follows these guidelines. Newly submitted code shall follow these guidelines, and updating existing code is a work in progress.

Name Guidelines

This section will recommend naming style for various items withing F´.

Constants, enumeration values, compiler directives: constants, enumeration values, and compiler directives shall be defined in all-uppercase with tokens separated by '_'.


#define MY_DEFINITION 1234

const U32 MY_CONSTANT = 3;

enum EnumType {
    VALUE_SUCCESS = ...,

Local Variables and Global Variables: variables shall be named in camel case, that is, starting with a lowercase letter with a capital letter starting each token.


U32 myVariable = 2;

Member Variables: member variables shall be named as local variables with a prefix of "m_".


U32 m_myMemberVariable;

Functions and Member Functions: functions and member functions shall be named in camel case just as local variables.

Types, Components, Ports, Classes, Packages, Namespaces, Modules: shall use Pascal case, that is, a leading capital letter with additional capitals at the start of each token.


Svc.ComStub // FPP form
Svc::ComStub // C++ form

Notice that the FPP module, C++ namespace, and component name all are defined in pascal case.

Module Directory Structure

F´ constructs are each defined in a module and breakdown into several categories: Types, Ports, Components, and Typologies. Modules are grouped into various packages including framework (Fw), drivers (Drv), service components (Svc), etc. Modules within packages shall be organized into the following structure.

Ports and Types: modules folders for Ports and Types shall respectively fall into named package sub-folders "Ports" and "Types".

Example: Fw.SuccessPort Port


Notice that the SuccessPort module folder is placed in the "Ports" sub-directory if the Fw Package. Type module folders would be placed in "Types".

Components: module directories are placed directly in the package directory.

Example: Svc.ComStub Component


Topologies: topologies are placed in the "Top" folder of a deployment's package.

Example: Ref Topology


Class Self References (this->)

When referring to class members and functions, use of this-> shall be explicit.


this->m_myMemberVariable = 1;
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