Vim syntax for duckscript.
Set up vim-plug. In your .vimrc,
between the lines for call plug#begin()
and call plug#end()
, add the line
Plug 'nastevens/vim-duckscript'
. Reload your .vimrc and run :PlugInstall
Set up Vundle, then add
Plugin 'nastevens/vim-duckscript'
to your .vimrc. Reload your .vimrc and run
Set up Pathogen, then clone/submodule
this repo into ~/.vim/bundle/duckscript
, or wherever you've pointed your Pathogen.
Licensed under the MIT license
Contributions are always welcome! Please open a PR or Issue. Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this work by you shall be licensed under the MIT license as stated above, without any additional terms or conditions.