A simple tool to generate a project with a backend, a frontend and a database.
The Mix task will create a Phoenix project and adapt the configuration to our needs. It will also install
a frontend. This project contains all the Code needed to build a working .ez archive which can then
be used to create a phoenix scaffolding with working frontend.
The content in detail is the following:
- Phoenix default app with Ecto and Postgres
- Docker files for development and production (uses Elixir releases)
- Docker-Compose for local development
- Default README.md
- Docker and Git Ignore
The supported frontends are:
- React
- Redux
- Typescript
- Erlang/OTP @ 22
- Included in most distributions package manager.
- Elixir @ 1.11
- I incline to use asdf (https://asdf-vm.com/#/)
- Hex (Elixir package manager)
mix local.hex
- Phoenix @ v1.5.8
mix archive.install hex phx_new 1.5.8
Download this repository.
Create a Mix archive:
mix archive.build
This should output the following text (version can vary):
Generated archive "phoenix_template-0.1.0.ez" with MIX_ENV=dev
Install the Mix archive
mix archive.install phoenix_template-0.1.0.ez
This should output the following questions (version can vary):
Are you sure you want to install "phoenix_template-0.1.0.ez"? [Yn] y
creating ~/.mix/archives/phoenix_template-0.1.0
Create a new project (will invoke the Phoenix creation at first):
mix full_stack.new PATH [OPTIONS]
The path must be Phoenix compatible.
The options are:
`--frontend` - Required. The frontend technology to use. One of:
* `react` - React with Redux, Router and Typescript.
For example, you could start a react project with:
mix full_stack.new awesomeProject --frontend=react
Then go to the project folder and start it using the docker-compose.