Multi-directional Recurrent Neural Networks
- Datasets (GOOGLE.csv, GOOGLE_Missing.csv)
- These datasets are the example time-series datasets that can be used for testing M-RNN Architecture with
Using the Raw datasets, it extracts the features and time information.
It also divides training and testing sets for further experiments
It has two input parameters (1). train_rate: training / testing set ratio (2). missing_rate: the amount of introducing missingness
It has 4 outputs for each training and testing set (1). X: Original Feature (2). Z: Feature with Missing (3). M: Missing Matrix (4). T: Time Gap
- Using the outputs of the, it imputes the missing features using M-RNN architecture
- It consists of Bi-directional GRU and MLP.
- The details of the M-RNN architecture can be found in the following link.
- Combine the above three components with MSE performance metric.