Provides a Graphical UI for Laravel Surveillance and integrates within your existing application.
Laravel Surveillance is a package to put malicious users, IP addresses and anonymous browser fingerprints under surveillance, write surveillance logs and block malicious ones from accessing the app. Read more
- Laravel 6.0
- PHP 7.2
composer require neelkanthk/laravel-surveillance-ui
Step 1: Configure Laravel Surveillance
NOTE:- If you have already installed neelkanthk/laravel-surveillance
in your application then please go directly to Step 2.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Neelkanth\Laravel\Surveillance\Providers\SurveillanceServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Neelkanth\Laravel\Surveillance\Providers\SurveillanceServiceProvider" --tag="lang"
php artisan migrate
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Neelkanth\Laravel\Surveillance\Providers\SurveillanceServiceProvider" --tag="config"
Read more about Laravel Surveillance installation
The following steps will install Laravel Surveillance UI in your application.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Neelkanth\Laravel\SurveillanceUi\Providers\SurveillanceUiServiceProvider" --tag="views"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Neelkanth\Laravel\SurveillanceUi\Providers\SurveillanceUiServiceProvider" --tag="config"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Neelkanth\Laravel\SurveillanceUi\Providers\SurveillanceUiServiceProvider" --tag="assets"
Laravel Surveillance provides a surveillance
middleware that can be used on any route or route group to make it eligible for surveillance.
Route::middleware(["surveillance"])->get('/path', function () {});
Read more about middleware usage
The Laravel Surveillance UI manager dashboard can be accessed at: http://your.domain/surveillance/ui/manager
The Laravel Surveillance UI logs dashboard can be accessed at: http://your.domain/surveillance/ui/logs
By default surveillance/ui
route prefix is appended to the package's routes.
If you want to customize it then you can do so easily in the config/surveillance-ui.php
file's prefix key as shown below.
* The prefix to be used in the surveillance ui routes
"prefix" => "surveillance/ui",
By default web
middleware is added to the package's routes.
If you want to add more middlewares like auth
or something else, then you can add them easily in the config/surveillance-ui.php
file's middleware key as shown below.
* The middleware(s) to be used in the surveillance ui routes
"middleware" => ["web", "auth"], //auth middleware added
After publishing the package views you can change the design as per your taste.
The views are published inside your project's resources/views/vendor/surveillance-ui
After publishing the package assets you can tweak the JS and CSS inside your project's public/surveillance-ui
You can change the default CCTV logo and favicon displayed on the Surveillance Dashboard by replacing them with your own at public/surveillance-ui/images/logo.png
and public/surveillance-ui/images/favicon.ico
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
If you discover any security-related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.