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Heyward Fann edited this page Sep 4, 2023 · 14 revisions

This page contains tips for debugging coc.nvim, if you have issues with a specific language server, see first.

Build source code

After cloning the repo, make sure you're using the master branch of coc.nvim, then install dependencies and build source code:

npm ci

The JavaScript bundle will exist in the build folder.

To build source code after changes made, run:

node esbuild.js --watch

in your project root, which will use esbuild to compile source code into a single JavaScript bundle.

After each compile, restart the coc.nvim service using :CocRestart to use new JavaScript code.

Restarting Vim is needed after you've made changes to coc.nvim's plugin code.

Enable source map support

To create source map of the JavaScript bundle, use:

NODE_ENV=development node esbuild.js

To compile source code.

To enable source map for error stack, install source-map-support:

yarn global add source-map-support

Then use configuration like:

" use command `yarn global dir` in your terminal to checkout yarn global directory.
let g:coc_node_args = ['-r', expand('~/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/source-map-support/register')]

in your vimrc, it will make tracing errors much easier.

Get results from console

Warning: you should avoid usage of process.stdout, process.stdin and related methods from console, since coc.nvim has to use stdio for communication between it and (neo)vim.

You can use console.error to write a string message:

console.error('my error')

The message will be echoed in Vim. However, this method is quite limited.

Use logger module

Use :CocOpenLog to open the log file.

Import the logger module for log purpose:

const logger = require('./util/logger')('workspace')

Use the logger to debug any variable, like:

logger.debug('variable:', variable)

For extension of coc.nvim, usea logger object (log4js.Logger) through a property of ExtensionContext. For example:

exports.activate = async (context) => {
  let { logger } = context;`Extension from ${context.extensionPath}`)

If you're using console.log in extension, the output will append to the log of coc.nvim.

The default log level is info, so you won't get debug or trace messages shown in :CocOpenLog. To change the log level, you need to configure the environment variable NVIM_COC_LOG_LEVEL, see :h :CocOpenLog for details.

Inspect communication between vim and coc.nvim

Enable the client log by:

let g:node_client_debug = 1
let $NODE_CLIENT_LOG_FILE = '/path/to/logfile'

In your vimrc, then open the $NODE_CLIENT_LOG_FILE in another terminal or use :call coc#client#open_log() to open the log use current vim session.

Use a NodeJS debugger


  let g:coc_node_args = ['--nolazy', '--inspect=6045']

to your .vimrc

After restart coc, you will get an error message like this:

[vim-node-coc]: Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see:

it means the debugger protocol is started.

Open url chrome://inspect in chrome, make sure Discover network targets is checked and then click configure... button:

setting up chrome debugger

then add to the Target discovery settings.

Checkout remote target section, and then click inspect for the NodeJS target:

screen shot 2018-12-24 at 10 15 52 am

For more details of debugging, checkout